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After their first official talk last night, Pie asked Kim out for a friendly dinner date, which Kim agreed to right away.

"I'm still paying for this. End of discussion," said Pie, pointing her finger around the foods on the table. "I feel totally bad for making you feel bad about yourself. It was not my intention. I'm sorry. I know this isn't enough but let me at least make it up to you by treating you to dinner."

Kim knew it's going to be futile to insist. "Fine. But it'll be my treat next time, okay?"

"I'm looking forward to it." Pie separated the chopsticks and went for a meat. "Ooh. Delicious!" She chewed the food down first before saying, "You're an AEF student, right?"

"Mmm-mmm. I'm actually aiming for SAU in the future," said Kim, grabbing a slice of meat for herself as well. "How about you, nursing, right?"

Pie nodded. "It runs in the family. My dad's a doctor."

"Nice. Planning to be one too?"

"Nah. That's not for me. People keep on asking me the same question. But I want to make a point. I want them to know that nurses are equally as important as doctors. Those doctors won't last a day if nurses aren't around."

"Have you told your dad about that?"

"Yeah. And he just laughed at me."

Kim just chuckled, silently thinking how lucky Pie is to still have both of her parents alive.

"I also heard another rumor around here. You're Doctor Buranaphan's daughter?" asked Pie.

"Yeah. You know my dad?"

"He's quite a legend now, in case you still don't know. My dad admires your dad so much. Says he's the reason we found a way to kill Evens."

"Which apparently cost him his life," said Kim, sighing. "I was there. I saw it."

Pie put her chopsticks down. "I'm sorry. It must've been hard for you."

"Was. But I've learned to accept it. It took me time but here I am, trying to live a normal life."

"Is that the reason why you're joining AEF and want to be part of SAU?"

"Those monsters killed my family," said Kim, tapping her chopsticks on the table. "I was too young to remember my mom. I grew up seeing dad doing his research. He had that burning desire to create a new world for everyone, something I might've gotten from him. My only focus now is to spend my life protecting people and eradicating Evens from this planet."

"That's really admirable, Kim," said Pie, looking at Kim with a warm expression. "People like you, the ones who are joining AEF, I look up to you highly because you're giving up a part of your life just so other people could live a normal life. I wish I have the courage to be like that, but I'm too scared."

"It's fine. We all have our own calling. Not everybody can be in AEF, same with not everybody can be a nurse, right? I would totally suck if I'll work in a hospital."

Pie chuckled, her eyes disappearing. "Truth is, my dream is to serve AEF too by working in the headquarters' hospital. I want to take part in treating those wounded soldiers who tried to save other people."

"That's a noble thing, Pie."

"Yeah, but my mom doesn't like that idea. Ugh." Pie rolled her eyes.

"I guess this is one of the perks of not having any parents, no one can mess with my decision," said Kim, making Pie laugh.

"I was wondering, who took care of you then?"

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