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Troop C kept walking in the empty street, whispering into each other through their mouthpiece.

"After graduation, where were you assigned, Cap?" asked Zee.

"I was assigned here for a year. But after that, I got transferred to the northern base camp."

"That's far from here," said Yam. "Was that the reason you broke up?"

"Not really. We were in a long-distance set up for three years. And I visit here whenever I get vacations."

"You must've missed each other a lot that time. I know the feeling," said Conan.

Kim smiled. "You have no idea"


"Hey, baby..."

"Kiiim!!! Oh, my gosh. I missed hearing your voice!"

"I missed hearing your voice too. How are you?"

"Doing great because my baby is going home next week."

"Haha. Me too! I can't wait to see you."

"You have no idea how much I'm missing you now, Kim."

"Awe. I'm sorry if I was busy lately."

"Totally cool. I understand that my girlfriend's got a world to save."

"But I promise that next week, until the rest of my vacation, it'll be just you and me."

"Awe... I love you! I love you! I loooove you!!!"

"Haha! Oh, I love you more, Pie."

It was their first time being apart for that long. After eleven months of not seeing Pie, barely talking on the phone due to schedule conflict between their works, Kim was more than eager now to see her girlfriend. She told Pie she was going home next week when in fact, she was going home today. Pie's dad helped in surprising by making sure Pie stays in her room that day. Kim arrived at the house silently, greeted by Pie's dad warmly. Pie's mom, as usual, just ignored her. But Kim didn't mind. What's important is she's gonna see Pie any second now.

Kim knocked on the door three times.

"Come in," said Pie from the inside.

Kim smiled, and slowly turned the knob to open the door, smelling Pie's scent in the room. She felt it, any second now, she knows she'll be able to hug and hold her girlfriend again.

Pie was just lazily lying on her bed, her back facing the door. When she heard the door shut, she turned around to look at the person who entered her room. Her eyes widened.

"Oh my gosh!"


"Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Eeeeeeee!" Pie stood up immediately, quickly ran to Kim and jumped into her arms.

Kim caught the girl flying towards her. Her back knocked on the door due to the impact. She laughed.

"Oh my gosh! I thought... I thought you were..."

"That's why it's called a surprise, Pie."

Pie pulled back and gripped Kim's left arm. Sliding her hand down a bit and squeezing Kim's arm.

"What are you doing?" asked Kim.

"I'm just making sure this isn't imagination. Your arm is getting firm, huh?"

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