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"We're here, Cap," said Zee, pulling the vehicle over to the entrance. She picked up the radio and pressed a button. "We've arrived at the entrance of Jeoswa village now. I repeat, we've arrived at the entrance of Jeoswa village now."

"Gear up, guys. Take one booster now. Let's make this quick," said Kim, injecting a booster in her vein.

The troop went out of the vehicle with complete gear suits, a small camera was attached to each helmet. They all looked at the empty village which seems like a ghost town now. The wind blew.

"It looks like rain's coming any minute now," said Kim, looking up. "Let's hurry. Focus on retrieving the target first then we'll shed to the nearest Sanctuary until the rain stops."

"Roger, Captain!" said the Yam, Zee, and Conan.

"Let's go."

The troop went in the outer barrier, then the second level of barrier, passing by the third level of barrier. The street looks messy, a proof that there was an attack that happened.

There was a sudden flash of bright light in the sky, making them dodge for whatever it is they thought was coming. But then, a loud sound of thunder followed.

"You're right, Cap. This ain't good," said Zee. "It looks like a hard rain."

"Do you guys remember the one we experienced in Brazil before when we were new recruits? I was raining hard that time too, right?" asked Yam.

"I barely remember the specifics of that," said Conan, looking around. "But I never want to experience that again. It was a nightmare."

"Same here," said Zee. "I only remember some parts, but not all of it. How about you, Cap?"

"I wish I could forget that," said Kim, leading the way. "But sadly, in my condition, there are lots of things I wish to forget a long time ago that I still remember vividly."


Kim was awoken by the loud sound of the thunder outside. She felt panic for a moment until she realized that she's in their room and Pie's body is laying on top of her, naked.

Kim smiled. This has been one of Pie's favorite sleeping position, and she's doing it unconsciously.

Kim traced a finger along Pie's arm, admiring the beauty of the girl. Making love with Pie has been her continuing addiction ever since they started dating two years ago. Kim loves the feeling of how Pie willingly submits herself to her. It gives Kim this sense of pride that no matter what happens in a day, no matter whoever they meet, every inch of Pie still belongs to her.

The rain soon followed the thunder. Not wanting to wake up her girlfriend, Kim slowly reached out for the blanket and covered Pie's body.

"I love you," she whispered, kissing her girlfriend's forehead.

Pie instinctively tightened her hug on Kim as she settles herself comfortably on top of Kim's body. Kim just smiled and hugged her girlfriend again.

Oh, how she loves rains.


It was around 06:00 PM that time, Kim and Pie were preparing to go out for dinner, when the former's phone rang. She picked it up.

"Hello? Yes, this is her. Yes." There was a long silence after that. "What!" Kim stepped out of the room right away without closing the door.

Noticing that, Pie followed Kim with her eyes and saw the latter just standing outside the room, one hand or her waist. After a little while, Kim went back in, her voice cracking.

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