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"I can't find the kid anywhere in the Sanctuary, Cap. She's not there."

Pie covered her mouth, attempting to muffle her cry. Jane hugged her right away.

"I think I should take you out, Pie. This may be too much for you to take."

"No, Jane. I won't go out unless I see my daughter again..."

Jane sense there's no point trying to argue. She continued hugging her friend instead. "Don't worry. This isn't the first time something like this happened. I'm sure Kim will be able to find her."

"I just hope so, Jane. I just hope so..."



"I checked all the places, Cap. The kid's not there."

"Shit!" Kim left her troop and dashed towards Sanctuary Four. Although it is still foggy due to the smoke, she can clearly see now that the barriers were also destroyed because of the bomb.

"Katie!!!" Kim shouted inside the Sanctuary. She went to the back and called the little kid again.

No answer.

"Fuck!" Kim paced back and forth the room, breathing hard. "Control Room. We need a bird's eye view. Please try to look for any trails. The Evens were weakened by the bomb. They shouldn't be far away."

"On it, Cap." There was a short silence before the man spoke again, "There's a trail northeast of you, Cap --"

Kim ran outside the Sanctuary right away without waiting for the person to finish. She injected another booster in her veins and began following the trail, leaving her troop behind.

"The kid's captured," said Kim, motioning to her radio. "Don't bother to kill all of them. Follow me. Make sure to take another booster. We don't know what's waiting for us there."

"Roger, Cap," said Yam, Zee, and Conan.

Kim felt hope when she finally got a sight of the trail. She moved further until it led her to an underground opening.

"Disengage, Cap. We don't know yet what's inside," a voice from the Control Room said.

Kim observed the hole that's about a 10 feet high. "Is this where the herd came from?"

"Captain Kim, this is Commander In. Don't go in there unless you have back up. I repeat, don't go in there unless you have back up."

Kim looked at her back. Her troop isn't there yet. She sighed. She looked at her watch and her eyes focused on the seconds running.

"Captain Kim, I need your confirmation," said Commander In.

Kim took a deep breath. "I'm sorry, Commander, but the kid is in there. I may be able to get her alive if I go in now."

"Captain Kim, yo --"

Kim threw out her earpiece and radio far away. And without second thoughts, she dives in.


Commander In massaged her head, sighing. She motioned to one of the personnel. "Let's connect with Conan instead."

"Copy, Commander." The man pressed some buttons.

"Control Room, coming in," said Conan's voice.

"Conan, this is Commander In. Your captain has run amok. Follow her quickly and get out from there as fast as you can. Copy that?"

"Roger, Commander."

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