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The hallway was empty that time but Kim knew that the shaking on the ground meant that an Even is nearby, looking for them.

"It must've felt us when I came banging at your door, or maybe the vibration of your loud music," whispered Kim as she slowly leads Pie out of the room. They were walking cautiously, trying not to make sound with every footstep.

"Maybe I should not listen to music anymore when showering," mused Pie.

Kim secretly smiled at that. "You can still listen to music, just lower down the volume a bit so you would know if something is happening outside."

"Okay. Where are we going, Kim?"

"To the Center Sanctuary. The alley is the shortest and safest way to go there."

"How come there no students around here anymore?"

"We already warned everyone in Dorm A to evacuate."

"What? So, you mean you came back for me?"

Kim stopped to look at Pie, unable to make out a word. She turned her back on Pie and continued dragging the lady silently, her face blushing. "I knew you were taking a bath and doing your routine at this time."

"Gosh. I really shouldn't listen to music anymore..."

Dorm A is a three-story building with staircases on both left and right side of the building. Kim and Pie's room is located at the center of the second floor. They started tiptoeing toward the right side of the building. Eventually, theirsteps became faster, until they are almost running, trying to make it to the staircase.

As they turned around the corner, the pair was shocked to see the monster, whom they were trying to avoid, silently waiting there.

Kim and Pie immediately stopped dead at their tracks. However, it was a wrong move as Kim's shoes squeaked on the slippery floor, making an eerie sound that alerted the creature.


"Eeeeeee!" Pie squealed after seeing the monster.

"Shit! Run, Pie! Run!"

The two ran back to where they came from, with Kim dragging Pie by her hand. Kim looked back and saw the creature tailing them. Even though adrenaline has already heightened their speed, Kim knows it's no match compared to the innate ability the predator behind them possesses.

Kim tried to think of other ways they could escape. She keeps pushing her mind to think because she knows that a few seconds from now, the Even will jump at them, kill the other, and will web the other alive.

Jump from the second floor? Not a good idea.

Hide in one of the rooms? Worse than the first one. The Even will just easily crush the door and/or break the wall.

Kim's palms are getting sweaty now. It's getting more challenging to keep a hold of Pie's hand. But she doesn't know what to do yet. Her main concern is to make sure Pie will get out here alive. Should she just push Pie away and give herself in?

Kim is already entertaining the idea when a gleam of hope appeared ahead of them.

"Kim!" Conan shouted. She jumped up to get a hold of the vertical sliding gate and pulled it halfway down. "Quick! It's coming!"

This gave Kim new hope, new energy. She ran faster to set up the momentum.

Few more steps.

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