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"Mrs. Mindara. A pleasure to see you here. Your daughter just came by."

Pie's mom bowed to Commander In and Kim. "I was in the room in the other wing, with her husband. I came here when I heard the news."

"Did Pie tell you about it?" asked Commander In.

"No. The assigned nurse in Peter's room told us."

"I see." Commander In looked at Kim and went back to Pie's mom. "I suppose I'll leave you guys to talk for a bit."

Kim wanted to ask Commander In not to leave but she saw the older lady bowed her head. "Thank you, Commander."

When Commander In finally left the room, Kim's head is full of questions as to what Pie's mom motive is. As far as she can remember, this woman never liked her.

"How are you feeling?" asked the older lady, her voice with a hint of concern.

"F-fine. Thanks for asking. How's he?"

"He's recovering. It may take him a bit of time because he's got several fractured ribs. But yes, he's doing fine."

"That's nice to know. And, uh, Katie?"

"She's in our house right now with her nanny. Pie will pick her up later after her shift to visit Peter."

Kim pressed her lips together. Nodding slowly.

"I haven't thanked you yet for what you did," said Pie's mom.

Kim looked at the woman in the eyes and saw sincerity. "There's no need to thank me. It is my duty, ma'am."

"I know. But still, thanks for not giving up on Katie and Peter. I am forever grateful for that." The woman touched Kim's arm with both her hands.

Kim felt something different with that touch. She couldn't speak.

"And I'm sorry..." said the woman, on the verge of crying this time. "I'm so sorry for everything..."

"M-ma'am... please... don't cry..." Seeing Pie's mom cry like that melts down all the anger Kim felt for the older lady before.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry for hurting you..." said the older lady, wiping her nose. "Pie never cheated on you. It was me who asked Peter to keep calling her that night. I did that because I couldn't bear seeing her sad and missing you all the time. I'm sorry if I hurt you..."

Kim bit her lower lip, trying to compose herself. It doesn't matter to her if Pie's mom had something to do with what happened. What broke her heart that night is when Pie admitted that she likes the doctor.

"Ma'am, it's all in the past now. You don't need to worry about it anymore."

"You still love her, don't you? You wouldn't go that far in saving her child and husband if you didn't."

Kim wanted to say no but she knows the woman can read it all over her face. "Her happiness is my priority, ma'am. I know she's moved on and contented now with her family. As long as she's happy, I'll be able to have a peaceful sleep at night."

The older woman looked down, wiping her tears and nose with the tissue. "She was lifeless for months after your break up. Took her about a year to finally accept things. Peter waited patiently until she came around. That's the reason she didn't have second thoughts when he proposed to her even they've only dated for a short time. But after all that has happened, I am certain of one thing: she never forgot you."

Kim looked at the door, remembering Pie's expression earlier.

"She may not admit it to me, but I know she has never forgotten you," continued the older woman. "She may be happy with Katie and Peter but that didn't stop her from watching the AEF channel daily for any updates from SAU, from you."

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