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(Years after )
I wake up and tell mom that I am going for a swim. She agrees and I swim far without thinking. I swim into a cave and I realize that this is mako. I see three mermaids and they look at me.

"Who are you?"
I smile.
"I'm melody."

They tell me about how they can go on land and I am jealous. I wish I could. They offer to use their rings on me so I can walk on land and I agree. They lift me up out of the water and use their rings. I smile when I have legs and look at what's on my skin.

"What is this?"
They laugh.
"Those are clothes. Humans wear them so they aren't naked."

I nod and follow them onto land. I look around and it seems familiar. Why? They take me to a building and I meet a woman named Rita. Suddenly I feel dizzy and pass out. When I wake up, the spell my aunt did was gone. I look at mom and she hugs me.

"What happened?"

I tell them about the spell and why I did it and they hugged me. My powers come back and I aged so I look 23 when in reality I am 20. I ask about Antonio and they tell me that he got a job at the cafe. I nod and go over there. I see him and he looks at me smiling and imprints on me again. It must  be fate. David asks me to sing and hands me the mic. I tell him the chords and he plays.

Beautiful silence
Beautiful pain
We're only human
We're meant to dream
Lost in a life
Full of mistakes
We do what feels right
Then fall with no grace
Chased by the sun
Escaping flatlines
Dreams are a curse
Wake up you're alive
Oh slowly fading from the misery
I've accepted who I'm supposed to be
I've accepted who I'm supposed to see
Lady in the mirror
Oh everyday I'm getting a bit older
And every time I break I get stronger
Everyday it's getting a bit colder
When I grow closer
To the devil on my shoulder
To the devil on my shoulder
Beautiful silence
Beautiful pain
Beautiful people
But we're all stained
Lost in a life
Full of mistakes
We do what feels right
Then we fall with no grace
I'mma sinner
I'mma tainted saint
I'mma savior
It's all the same
Chased by the sun
Escaping flatlines
Dreams are a curse
Wake up you're alive
Oh slowly fading from the misery
I've accepted who I'm supposed to be
I've accepted who I'm supposed to see
Lady in the mirror
Oh everyday I'm getting a bit older
And every time I break I get stronger
Everyday it's getting a bit colder
When I grow closer
To the devil on my shoulder
To the devil on my shoulder
We're all broken, it's fate
It's the way that we're made
All the pieces are there
They just aren't in there place
So I struggle to stand
But don't ask for a hand
My pride tells me no
You're better alone
I'm uncomfortably numb
As I stuff what I've found
And I start to shut down
Freeze in front of a crowd
It's what I don't say
I don't love I don't hate
Closing my mouth and turning my face
But it's no way to live to have nothing to give
Consuming the doubt
Not letting them in
But I'm not here to win
To survive but I'm already dead
So I picked up my head
I picked up my head
I picked up my head
Oh everyday I'm getting a bit older
Everyday it's getting a bit colder
Oh everyday I'm getting a bit older
Everyday it's getting a bit colder
When I grow closer
To the devil on my shoulder
To the devil on my shoulder

I finish and everything claps. I smile and go back to Antonio. I remember he is still a werewolf and vampire and I ask him to turn me into both so we are the same. He nods and we leave and go to his old pods hideaway. It's been forever since we were here last. He turns me into a vampire and a werewolf and I thank him. He nods and kisses me. I look at him and smile. Being part witch, I discovered a spell to bring back the dead and I brought back his pod. They look at me and I smile at Luca. He hugs me and notices his pod is back.

"Why did you bring us back?"
I look at him and smile.
"I needed my brothers."
They smile at me and I look at Antonio. He smiles at me.
"Thank you for this."
"No problem."

We all talk and we turn them into vampires and werewolves as well. Luca looks at the pack and smiles.

"Plan is back in action fellas."

The Runaway MermaidWhere stories live. Discover now