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Antonio and I are still with Luca and the others and Antonio seemed to change after I brought his pack back.  Almost reminding me of Rick. He chains me to a wall and I whimper. My mate is doing this to me, why?

"I purposely imprinted on you blue mermaid. So you would fall for me and eventually care enough to bring back my brothers. Turning all of us was a bonus."

I cry and look at him.

"Antonio, Please."

I stay chained up and he leaves. Luca walks in and looks shocked.

"Antonio did this?"

I nod. We talk and he lifts up my chin and kisses me. I feel disgusted because I am Antonio's imprint not his. Antonio walks in and smiles. He calls in the rest of his pod and He lets them beat me. I cry and look at Antonio. He looks at me with lust.

"You belong to me only mermaid." He walks over to me and unchains me.

I look at him with tears rolling down my bloody cheeks. He wipes them and kisses me. He forces me to use a spell to make him powerful and to make me and his brothers do his every command. Once I finish I sigh.

"Brothers we will rule this ocean. It belonged to merman before and it will belong to us again. Now that we have the blue mermaid under my control. We are unstoppable." They nodded. He looks at me.

"Come here Melody."

I walk over to him and he puts his arm around my waist and kisses me.

"I love you."
I look at him.
"I love you too Antonio."
He smiles at me.
"Now bring back the rest of the deceased mermen. Old to recent. And make us immortal and so nothing can kill us. Natural and unnatural."

I do as he says and the mermen look at me and Antonio tells them not to harm me. They don't and I sigh. I look at Antonio.

"Anything else my mate?"
"Come with me."
I nod and I follow him to his room and he locks the door.

"I am so sorry for how I have been acting. I don't know what came over me."

My Antonio was back. I hug him and smile.

"It's okay. Daniel was controlling you. I missed you."

He smiles and realizes who he made me bring back and why.

"What are we going to do?"

I look at him.

"Nothing. I like the plan babe. As long as I am queen and you are the king."

"But the trident is destroyed."
I smile at me and whisper something to him and I put him back in Daniels control by joining the others. I swim over to Daniel.

I laugh at the nickname.
"So controlling my mate and making him abusive huh? What if I told you I actually like your plan but it won't happen without the trident."
He nods.
"It has been destroyed but I can bring it back like I did with all of you."
He nods. Suddenly Antonio is with us and commands me to do what I just told Daniel. I do exactly that and with it I kill Daniel. Antonio is no longer under his control and I smile at him. He calls our pod together.

"With with trident you will bow to your king and your queen."  

They bow and with my magic I kill the mermen that I brought back and only Luca and the more recent pods remain. They smile at me and I create a new home for them. 

"Welcome to the Asiperian Kingdom. The new home for mermen." 

They smile and I look at Antonio. 

"This is our new home." 

He nods and smiles. 

"I am so sorry for how I was acting earlier. I know Daniel was controlling me but still." 

I nod. 

"It's okay. And to be honest, I kind of miss evil you. It is a side of you I haven't seen before." 

He laughs and kisses me. Luca swims up to us and looks at me. 

"I am so sorry for kissing you earlier."

I laugh. 

"Daniel knows how to control people." 

He nods and smiles at me. 

"Now go make sure the pod doesn't destroy our home." 

He laughs and nods. He swims away and I look at Antonio. I perform a spell in my head to make him a mix of the kind and evil Antonio with a little more of the evil side and smile at him. He feels different and looks at me confused before it takes full effect and smirks at me. Once the spell finishes, he is back to being mean and cruel and we head down to the kingdom I created and enter one of the rooms in the castle. I notice that the castle is air tight, and we are able to breath like we are on land. We lay down and fall asleep. I wonder what will happen now.

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