Chapter 14

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Poppy's PoV

Putting the key in my front door was always a blissful feeling; proving that my day at work was finally over and I could safely relax without any worry or issue. I threw my keys in the bowl on the table and kicked my trainers off, throwing my coat on the hangers by the door as I made my way into my flat. It was all open planned, a studio flat, where the kitchen was at the back of my living room space. I headed to my safe haven, the fridge, and looked inside for some exciting meal ideas. Despite just working a twelve hour shift, ideally I needed to say awake for a while now as I was working a night shift tomorrow. If I fell asleep now, I'd wake up early tomorrow and then I'd have to be up for like twenty four hours. That was something I'd done before and never wanted to do again.
Not feeling too inventive, I made myself a sandwich and headed to the front room, where I put my sandwich down and started the daily search for the remote. Oh come on, Poppy, how many times do we have to do this before you put it back in the same place every day?!? I switched the tv on from the actual television set and the loud music of a five minute celeb update blasted out, the colours almost blinding me in my dark room. I made my way over to the wall and threw all the switches, brightening the entire flat in a second. I had to shut my eyes for a second to adjust but once I had, it was back to remote finding.

"Hello, I'm Chanel and this is your five minute celeb update!" The child-like young adult shouted out excitedly from my TV set, making me tut. Guess this is just motivation for me to find the remote quicker! I got on my hands and knees and crawled along under the sofa, making my way over to the table I'd put my sandwich on. "Now, firstly, it appears Miley has squashed rumours that she is pregnant, telling fans and paps alike that they need to focus on more worrying things in life than fake news. Way to tell 'em MiCy!" She laughed as she clapped her hands together making me literally groan in hatred. Where is this damn remote?! Just as the colours changed, a glimmer and shine came from under the table and right at the back, my remote sat snugly. I contorted myself to be able to reach it, my head twisted under the table as my arm was out full stretch, finally clutching the end of the remote. As if all feelings of relief and happiness washed over me, I let out a sigh as I felt the remote in my grip, slowly making my way out from underneath the table. "Next in the news, bassist of five seconds of summer, Calum Hood, is currently in hospital after breaking his ankle." I shot up, smacking my head and back on the table as I got up.

"Ah shit!" I cursed as I rubbed my head. Still in pain, I threw myself in front of the tv as a picture of the four men I'd just spent all day with flashed up on the screen. "Sources have told us he is going to need surgery but the plans for the tour haven't been released by management yet." My jaw fell open. There were so many things spinning in my head I could barely function. For a moment, I just stared open mouthed at the screen. "We hope you feel better soon Calum!" I muted the tv while Chanel continued to talk about celebrities, my mind still trying to figure everything out. I'd just spent all day nursing a celebrity and I didn't know about it. Guilt hit me first, followed by fury. You idiot, Poppy, how could you not know they were celebrities? I bet they're laughing at you now.
I managed to pull myself onto the sofa as I continued to argue with myself in my head.
They had no guards, no guys in suits. They were just four guys in a room.
Well If they were trying to remain inconspicuous, having all of those wouldn't have helped, would it?
They had so many opportunities to tell me had they wanted me to know.
Was it not obvious by the way everyone seemed to change the minute they discussed Calum with the head nurse?
It wasn't noted anywhere on his record or in the handover. I went in assuming he was a regular guy.
Either way, there was no point in tearing my mind in two over it. The shift was done and he was happy with his care. That's what I strives to do with all my patients regardless of who they were. He clearly liked me as a nurse and as a friend, Ashton had even chased me down for my number. There was no point in overthinking this.

As if timing was working with me, my phone buzzed a couple of times in my pocket and I pulled it out eagerly. I had two messages from an unknown number. I opened it swiftly and read them.

Hey Poppy, it's Calum. I owe Ashton so bad for getting your number.
Thanks for everything today.

I smiled down at my phone like a teen with her first love, yet the nurse part of me worried that his story had somehow leaked into the press. Was it better to just be honest with him?

Hi Calum! It's okay, just my job! Ashton was great too lol.

I hesitated for a second. Do I send the other part? Do I ruin his night?

Look, I really don't want to ruin your day but I just got home and you popped up on some celeb update show. They were saying you were in hospital with a broken ankle. I don't know how they got that information but it's probably gonna get tough for you.
I'm so sorry

It was read within a second but the reply took some time to come.

Thank you. I'll let management know...
How long have you known?

I sighed down at my phone. I could tell by the messages that he was down about it already.

That show told me 😅

Once again the message was read instantly but the response was delayed.

I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I didn't want you to see me differently.
It was nice to be treated like a regular guy for once.

I smiled down at my phone once more. I knew exactly how to cheer him up.

I'm going to continue to treat you like it too, don't worry. 😉

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