Rock and Roll!

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Soooooo sorry, I was still getting use to my Wattpad. And sorry to keep you all waiting.

Chapter 3: Rock and Roll!

Lee was in the streetcar, heading towards the school, as he searches for the prank song of the Dudes of Darkness/DoD. Lee couldn't find their song because they are a rock back, and their songs are metal not techno. Then Cam and Holger came in, arguing about a video game zombie could have sneak attack on a subway or a stinky sewer. But Lee doesn't have time for this since he needs to find out if the DoD was the ones who framed him from the prank. Then RJ and Tuesday came in the streetcar, talking about the party last night, Cam went all googly at RJ as she and Tuesday sit on the back. Lee notices his best friend's love interest and snaps his fingers in front of Cam's face, snapping him back from reality.

"You shouldn't be flirting with her, Cam." Lee said.

"It's not my fault RJ's pretty and...cute." Cam mutters the last part before shaking his head. "Now, let's talk about the party last night."

"What about the party?" Lee asked Cam.

"Dude! Last night's party was off the hook!" Cam grins happily.

"Ja, Holger like it when flower girl came." Holger said. The flower girl that he mentioned was Rose Jordan, he thinks that she is pretty, which she is.

"Holger. Don't call the number one singer 'flower girl', Rose has one nickname." Cam said, holding up his finger with his eyes closed.

"And what's that?" Lee asked Cam as he listens to the DOD's songs.

Cam opens his eyes and grins at Lee. "Super muy hottie, hottie." He said, imagining Rose doing poses, until Lee snaps him out from his daydreaming again.

"Cam, focus, I've been listening to the DoD's songs, and they're metal, not techno. And they don't even have the prank song up on their sight." Lee said as he removes his earphones and stood up when the streetcar stopped.

"Ombre, you're gonna drive yourself crazy with all this prank stuff." Cam said as they stepped out of the vehicle.

RJ and Tuesday walked to school while the boys stayed a bit to chat about the DoD. The two girls headed to school and enters the building. As they walked to class, everyone was talking about Rose Jordan was at Kimmie's party. It was spread across the news, and Rose Jordan's music video of Brandy's party was a big hit. News Media were trying to get exclusive interview with her and her mom back home, but she sneaks away easily, thanks to a secret entrance that her mom hid. Then they heard a monkey.

Stopping on their tracks, the two girls saw Cam acting like a monkey. RJ and Tuesday blinked at him in confusion as he passed them like monkey with Lee and a scared Holger following him.

"What was that about?" RJ asked.

"Don't know, but whatever Lee did to Camillo, nice." Tuesday smirks as they headed towards to Mr. Langhorne's class. They took their seats and ready for class when the School's News came on the TV. Chaz and Tina were on and Stepak was doing the camera.

"Are you ready for an audio assault A. Nigma high?" Chaz asked loudly with his sly grin on his face. "Cuz today is-BATTLE OF THE BANDS!" Chaz said in a deep voice before laughing happily.

Tina continuous the report. "For two years in a row, the DoD have come in first place, will their reign continue for a third?"

"DoD?" RJ whispers to Tuesday while listening to the TV.

"The DoD or the 'Dudes of Darkness'-" Tuesday finger-quoted to RJ. "-Are the rock band in A. Nigma High, they're music are rock & roll or metal, which ever sounds better, I don't care." Tuesday crosses her arms as she watched the news cast student interviewing the contestants.

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