Disco History Times

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It was the middle of the night and RJ was in her room, she was on her blue Alaska King sized bed that has open books and notes on them. She wears a big black loose top shirt with blue tank top underneath it and white shorts. And wearing her necklace. Her red hair is tied to a ponytail as she focuses on her study. RJ was studying for an incoming test next week and she needed to stay focus. Razor was sleeping on her desk, tired from breaking the doors of RJ's school. Topaz was besides RJ, helping her with her study. Just then, someone was calling RJ at her computer. RJ turns to it before setting down her book and made her way to the computer. She opens the video chat and saw Tuesday.

"Hey, Tuesday. What's up?" RJ asked with a smile.

Tuesday shrugs at the computer screen. "Not much. I just came to check on you, wondering if you somehow explain to your mom about the incident." She said with a smirk.

RJ made a blank yet playful look. "Ha-ha, you were lucky I was able to calm my mom down, she would call my uncle to quarantine the whole school."

"Great, meaning no school for a moth or so." Tuesday said with a smirk.

RJ rolls her eyes at her friend and smiled. "So, what's going on?"

Tuesday shrugs. "Nothing much, though the school playing is coming up."

"School play? About what?" RJ asked curiously.

"It's a yearly school play, it celebrates about A. Nigma High's founder, first Principal and War Hero Alexander Nigma." Tuesday explains dully before leaning on her chair. "I heard Kwee wrote the whole script for this year school play."

"And I'm guessing that Tina and Chaz will announce it at school." RJ said.

"Did you see with your visions or just a hunch?" Tuesday questioned with a raised brow and her arms crossed.

RJ gave her playful look with a smile while Tuesday smirks. Then a knock came from RJ's door. "Come in!" RJ called out gently.

Sebastian, RJ's butler, came in and bowed. "Rose, your mother wishes to speak with you about the charity for the animal shelter." He informed.

"Oh! Right, I'll be right there." She said before turning to Tuesday. "Gotta go! Important business stuff to do. See you at school tomorrow?"

"Sure thing, psychic superstar." Tuesday said as she gave RJ a nickname as she smirks.

RJ smiles at her before the two of them logged off and RJ went out of her room with Sebastian, followed by Topaz and Razor.


On the next day, RJ (wearing her disguise) and Tuesday were walking through the halls of the school towards Mr. Langhorne's class. As they walked, Ruby was there and saw the two girls coming. She smiles and waves at them. RJ waves back as Ruby made her way to them.

"Are we going to tell Principal Barrage about our café?" Ruby asked them as they walked through the halls.

"We're going to talk to him after class." RJ informs her.

The three girls walked through the halls and went their separate ways. Ruby waves at the two girls, who waved back at her, before they entered their classroom. They took their seats before Mr. Langhorne start his lessons. But as he did, the TV was on to show Tina and Chaz. They were doing the school news of today. Well, Tina is, Chaz was refreshing his hair with a burst of hairspray.

"Good morning, A. Nigma High students! I'm Tina Kwee!" Tina announced as she tries to waft Chaz's hairspray away from her face.

Chaz puts his hairspray down. "And I'm Chaz Monerainian. You probably heard the buzz that this Friday is the annual Founder's Day play."

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