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Okay, I'm gonna do a time skip because it's gonna take me forever to finish this story.


Tuesday lets out a sigh as she and RJ were sitting on the table with Bea and Ruby. They've been busy for the past weeks since they found out about RJ being related to Anastasia Nigma. They opened up their Café called the Stellar Café, which was filled with students that came and bought cappuccino and treats. Their Café was a big hit and Barrage approved at their successful café along with VP Victoria.

But that wasn't the only part. Chaz reveals his big scoop is, the prank footage revealing some embarrassing secrets about the student body.

Everyone wanted to get him, especially Lee. Since he has the proof he needs to get out of one year detention. It didn't help when Barrage wanted the footage too. But he, Lee, Cam, and Tina got different footage, showing Chaz singing terribly. Lee needed to find Chaz, but he had detention, so he asked RJ, Tuesday, and Bea for a favor. He particularly begged them to help him, which they agreed (though he had to pay Bea twenty bucks for this) and search for Chaz. But apparently, Principal Barrage decided to have the whole school on lockdown and had Chaz on a bounty, dead or alive, though VP Victoria hit him on the head rolled-up paper, and changed it to bring Chaz alive only, much to Tuesday and Bea disappointment.

They were able to find Chaz. But when they did, Bea punched Chaz on the face. But before RJ or them could give it to Lee, Cam came with a group of teens that wanted to stop Chaz, grabbed the chip and broke it in half. As they cheered, Bea and Tuesday became angry as they gave them their deadly glare, angered that they destroyed it. The students run away in fear while Bea drags Chaz to the principal's office along with Tuesday while RJ apologizes to Lee that they didn't get the footage. Although when the next day came, Cam became popular since he saved all the students from total embarrassment from Chaz, who's been suspended from the news team, though Chaz claims that he's only taking a break, which earned students throwing stuff at him. However, Bea somehow got in the newsroom, being Tina's temporary 'co-anchor' as she somewhat helps Tina in the news casting and also showing the embarrassing pics of Brad's bleached hair at the mall and the footage of Chaz's terrible singing, much to the two males' embarrassments.

Tina then announces the school about the voting of presidents. Lee wasn't paying attention, he thinks that Cam was the one who set him up as he found in the store security footage, a video of Cam buying a bag identical to his bag. But he wasn't sure if it's true, so he needed help, and it can't be Holger. He asked the three girls again for help, promising to pay them ten dollars each, but RJ and Tuesday didn't want money, except Bea. And helps Lee in finding out the truth if Cam did it. But no, Cam didn't do it. When RJ uses her vision power, she saw Cam was acting like a monkey during the prank and was hypnotized, making him part of the prank without realizing.

RJ told Lee about this and the teen became worried about his friend since he was the only one that knew the trigger word. He asked how'd she know and Tuesday was the one who answered because she was there when she heard something from the rafters, sounding like a monkey, even though everyone was loud and the music was playing, she still heard it. Lee became worried about this and quickly told his best friend that he was set up in the prank too and that Cam didn't remember because he was acting like a monkey due to the trigger word.

Cam was furious and annoyed that someone might have set him up. Lee suggested that it was Radcircles that somehow knew the trigger word and used Cam without anyone to realize. They wish they have more clues but right now, Cam joins the candidate for School President. Although Lee wanted to join since it would get him off detention, this was his best friend's dream to become school president, and decided not to join. The candidates are Cam, Beth from Mathletes, and RJ.

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