Welcome to Factory Island

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RJ didn't know what happened. All she knows that she and Tuesday were meeting up with Ruby and heading towards class, when a flood of frogs came out of nowhere. The students, minus RJ, Tuesday and Beatrix, panicked at sudden frog flood. RJ and Tuesday quickly avoided the flood by going to their unfinished café with Ruby holding RJ's hand as the singer in disguise kept her safe.

"What just happened?" RJ asked in shock.

"I don't know, but whatever happened out there, someone just released all the frogs, just before we could dissect them during class." Tuesday said, looking at the window to see the frogs outside.

"But...aren't the frogs were locked up in their cages?" Ruby said, looking at the door.

"Probably they got out." Answered Beatrix, who was inside, lying on the couch.

The three girls stared at Beatrix in surprise. "How did you get in here?" RJ questioned.

"I got in by the window." Beatrix pointed at the window that was open.

Tuesday groans in annoyance at Beatrix while RJ took out her phone to see the school's news. There, they saw Tina on the screen. Behind the background are frogs, they somehow escape and were roaming around the school.

"This is Tina Kwee, first on the scene with your frog infestation update. It appears–"

Suddenly, a hand appears and shoves her aside. The camera focuses on the owner of the hand was none other than Chaz.

"That Chaz Monerainian is on the scene too. And the frogs are finally taking revenge for all those years being dissected. This terrib–"

He failed to notice a frog landed next to his foot before croaking, causing Chaz to scream and runs down the hall in a blind panic. "One just touched me!"

RJ and Ruby giggled by that while Tuesday rolled her eyes at Chaz's cowardliness. Beatrix snickered when she heard Chaz's scream from the phone. Tina rolled her eyes as she continues reporting in a calm matter.

"Or, more likely, another prank." Tina informs, ignoring Chaz at the background, who was getting ambushed by an avalanche of frogs that appear from around a corner. His screams could be heard from the background as Tina pulls Lee onto the screen.

"I'm with Lee Ping. Lee, you dabbled in frogs with your first epic prank. Are you just running out of ideas at this point?"

"Whoa, wait. I didn't–" Lee tried to explain until Brandy came grabbing Tina's microphone and started insulting to Tina. "Brandy Silver here, Hi. I know what's going on. The frogs got so afraid of you trying to kiss them, and turn them into princes, that they're escaping."

Brandy tosses Tina's microphone back to her and walks away, making Tina really mad. When she returned to the Glamazons, Kimmie was somewhat impressed by Brandy. "Oh, no, she didn't."

At that moment, a vent cover opens, and the Glamazons take a frog shower. They screamed in fright by the frogs raining on them while Tina smirks in amusement as she turns towards to Stepak.

"I hope you're getting all this."

Stepak nodded his head as he recorded everything. Meanwhile, Barrage was sitting in his office, holding a muffin on his human hand, when he notices the chaos on the screens. The frogs were everywhere, in the classroom, the halls, basically they were everywhere in the school.

Principal General Barrage was annoyed by this as he glares at the screen. "As soon as I try to have a five-minute corn muffin break, the whole school goes pistachio hazelnut!" He exclaims in anger and annoyance.

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