Chapter 5

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            Later that night, I sat curled up on my couch watching a movie, tired from the workday. I had originally planned to get together with Amy and hang out, but after not getting a ton of sleep the night before, I figured staying home was my safest bet.

The movie finished, and I sat watching the credits roll. There was still this strange lingering feeling in my chest. Ever since I saw J-Hope that afternoon, I couldn't stop thinking about him. I tried to rationalize my feelings by saying I was just intrigued by him because he helped me, but I knew it was more than that. I had been a homebody since moving to LA. I didn't go clubbing. I didn't have a large group of friends and my only two friends were both single and had equally as limited social lives like me. Not to mention, I couldn't even think of dating anymore. Not after my last relationship.

In the stillness of my nearly empty apartment, I let my mind wander back to the days I lived in Florida. I thought about my parents, who still had a comfortable condo there. I thought about my siblings, who had long since moved out but stayed nearby. I thought about my friends, who were still messaging me telling me things I didn't wanna know. Most of all, I thought about Danny. Thoughts of him always shook me straight to my core. To say our love was toxic – insane, even – was an understatement. Danny was a hard-ass who always knew how to get what he wanted, and I was a stubborn bitch who liked to fight him on everything. We were off and on for five straight years because every time I got strong enough to leave, he reminded me why I was his with phone calls at two in the morning, threats to people I loved, and breaking and entering.

When I left the last time, I made sure it was the last time. I blocked him on every form of social media. I moved across the country and left little to no details about my life. I refused to disclose details about myself with even my oldest and dearest friends. As far as I knew, the day I left, he'd gotten with another girl and now she's having his kid, but that didn't mean shit to me. It wasn't the first time he had moved on and then came back and something told me it would be the last. But I vowed to myself that I would never get involved with someone who didn't respect me, who didn't truly love me. I wasn't even sure if I wanted to be involved with anyone in general, but I knew one thing – I was captivated by J-Hope. There was something that wouldn't leave my head and I had to know more about him.

I climbed up off the couch to shake off the darkness. A little fresh air would do me some good. I headed over to my balcony with Hunter trailing at my feet. As I stepped out into the cool November air, I started to feel a weight lifting off my shoulders. I looked out at the city lights, leaning against the railing and smiling. This town could swallow me whole and I'd be thankful for it. I loved being nothing – a nobody in a city full of other nobodies. I had my two best friends. I had my dog. I didn't need anything else.

"Sloane!" I heard a hushed voice calling out to me. "Hey, Sloane!" I looked down to see who was calling me. Speak of the devil. J-Hope...

I looked at my phone to check the time. "It's after midnight, J-Hope. What are you doing here?"

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