Chapter 2

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           Weeks had gone by since that strange encounter with Cutthroat. My life went back to one with little to no excitement. Work during the day, hang out with one or both of my best friends at night, repeat the next day. I had almost completely forgotten about that boy and his dangerous eyes piercing me like daggers. Yes, everything was normal – until it wasn't.

Drake had me work a night shift for the first time. I didn't like the prospect of working at night. Angela at least had a car and Evan lived right around the corner, but Angela had karate on Tuesdays with her daughter and Evan asked for the night off to go visit a friend. So, it was between Drake and I and I knew Drake would never close. It was no big deal. I just figured I'd call an Uber to get home instead of walking in the dark.

It was about an hour before close when they walked in. No, not Cutthroat and his dangerous gang. Four of jock boys who looked like they were drugged out of their minds. It wasn't uncommon for us to get stoned teens and 20-somethings coming in for a snack. We were right down the street from the college, so that was usual fodder for us. But just because it was normal, didn't make dealing with them any more pleasant.

Most kids came in, bought an abundance of junk food, paid and left. They were a bit loud, laughed at everything and tried way too hard not to seem high, but these boys didn't seem like they were high on marijuana. No whatever they had, it was stronger and made them a bit more aggressive. From the moment they walked in, I could hear their comments about me. They walked to the back of the store and I could hear one say, "did you see her tits?! I wanna motorboat them!" Followed by laughter. I immediately zipped my jacket up and crossed my arms, trying to focus on the repetitive pop music over the store's speakers instead of their lewd comments.

The bell on the door chimed again. I looked up and my heart stopped. There was the guy they called Cutthroat in the doorway. He walked in with two of his friends – a tall guy wearing dark shades with his dark brown hair stacked high on his head and a shorter, but equally as fierce looking guy, wearing a beanie and sucking on a lollipop. Cutthroat immediately looked at me as I went rigid. He nodded at me while my finger rested lightly on the panic button under the counter. The three of them went back to the freezer to grab something to drink.

I watched them all on the monitor, making sure none of them stuck anything in their pockets. Drake would murder me if I let any of them steal during my shift. I was so engulfed in the security cameras that I didn't even know that the jock boys were at the counter until one of them said, "We're ready to cash out!"

"Huh?!" I tore my eyes away from the screen to see the tallest blonde boy leaned against the counter with a bunch of snacks in front of him. He smirked at me while all his friends snickered behind him. "I'm sorry! Did you find everything okay?" I started scanning his items.

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