Imagine Living Like A King Someday

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Cas's POV

From Dean:

I'm sick so I won't be in school today...


Fuck. I'm going to be all alone.

To Dean:

Okay... I hope you feel better soon <3


I found an outfit of all black because I wanted to rebel against the world. Black jeans, a black long sleeve Crown The Empire shirt, and all black converse. I think that's acceptable.

I skipped breakfast, as usual, and started walking towards school. I put my headphones in and jammed to Black Veil Brides.

I stepped into school and dread washed over me.

I'm all alone. No Dean here to comfort and protect me. Alone. It was like this before. Did it really ever change? Haven't I always been alone? I've never really had anyone. Only Dean. But Dean isn't here.

I went to my locker and got my stuff. I was surprised that the first half of my day had gone good. Then, lunch happened.

I was sitting with Meg and her friends, when a stupid jock came over to my and dumped milk all over me. I went to the bathroom and washed up the best I could. My clothes were still drenched. I decided to skip the rest of school.

I went home. No one was there. I changed into sweatpants and a long sleeve band shirt. I went outside, in my backyard, where no one can see me. I brought out a cigarette and lit it. Oh, how I missed this.

I inhaled, clearing my mind from every bad thing. I exhaled, relaxing my body.

Once I was done with my cigarette, I walked to the park. While I waited for the time smog which school ended, I texted Dean.

To Dean:

Hey.. How are you feeling babe?


It took about twenty minutes for a reply.

From Dean:

Better. I've had a lot of sleep :)


To Dean:

That's good! I hope I can see you soon. <3


I had no reply back, so I guessed that he just fell asleep. School probably ended, so I headed back home. I went to my bedroom and slept. My mom woke me up for dinner.

I ate my small amount, then went back upstairs. I have stopped throwing up what I eat, but I still eat very little. I've been doing good with my self harm. I'm a week and a half clean.

I decided to read a manga that I hadn't read in forever. I grabbed the first book to Death Note, and got lost in the wonderful manga world.

When it was midnight, I turned off my light and plugged in my headphones. I started playing a song called "In Case Of Emergency, Dial 411" by Sleeping With Sirens.

I really need Dean to be in school tomorrow. I need to see him. To have him next to me. He makes me feel safe, I need that in a school that makes me feel 'un-safe'. I'm afraid of what Allistair and Crowley would do to me.


A/N: sorry for the really frickin short chapter(s)... I have writers block and can only write short bits. I know they weren't long in the first place, but I'm trying. I have 4 partially published books at the moment and I have one draft soo... sorry about thaty

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