Its All For You

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A/N: Hey guys.... Soo yeah... I know I haven't updated in a while (fucking writers block) but HAPPY //very very late// VALENTINES DAY!!! I don't even know what I'm doing anymore... so yeah.. have a chapter. XD

OH!! annnddd... I seriously believe that Dean will admit his love for Cas in season 10 bc last nights episode proved it like 10000% soo... yeah..

carry on... (my wayward son)

*Dean's POV*

School was tough. It was hard to keep focus. All I thought about was Cas. I always worry about him. I don't want him to get hurt by the fucking douches here. My grades have been dropping a lot and I'm struggling to pass about three of my classes.

When the bell rang, everyone raced out of class. I walked over to Cas's locker. He looked up and smiled at me. Damn, his smile is gorgeous. We walked to my car and I asked if we could go to the park.

On the way there, we listened to a mix that Cas made. Every other song was my style of music, the other songs were his style.

Honestly, I like his music taste. It's not that bad. Fast Times At Claremont High was playing when we got to the park. When it first came on I grabbed Cas' hand. He told me once before that this song hits him and he told me why. He said when Vic says, "Without you, what's the point?" that he sounds so broken. It hit me hard too after I listened to it closely.

We got our of the car and walked over to a shady spot in the park. We brought our homework with us too because Cas was helping me. I guess you could say he was my tudor.

He was helping me do some stupid math equation that made no sense. I'm pretty sure that I wouldn't have to use like sixty percent of the stuff they teach us.

I was about three quarters of the way through my homework when I just gave up. It was so incredibly pointless. I'm going to be a mechanic, I don't need to know this.

I sighed, laid down and put my hands over my face. Cas moved both of our homework and laid down next to me. He put his arm across my chest and said, "Dean, are you okay?"

"I'm fine." I replied. Cas gave me a skeptical look and I said, "I'm perfectly fine. I just hate school and homework I just want to sit here with my beautiful boyfriend and just cuddle."

"Okay Dean..." Cas replied. I love how he says my name. He tilted his head up toward me and I met him for a kiss. Not a long, sloppy kiss. But a short, loving kiss. These kisses alway made me feel better.

"I love you, Castiel" I whispered.

"I love you, too, Dean" he whispered back.


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