New Photagrapher

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I walked into the school with my father ahead of me. I began to look around at the beautiful school. This was a very high class place.

I felt awkward as I walked into this magnificent school wearing jeans, a white tshirt, and a grey hoodie.

We entered the school and wet to the office so my father could sign me into the school. He talked to a woman at a desk for a while and she led him to a back room. She came back and smiled at me.

"Hello. Are you Ms. Riku?" she asked.

"Yes. I'm Kairi." I said and gave her a small smile.

"Well I'm going to take your measurements and you'll get your uniform tomorrow." She said. I nodded.

When she finished taking my measurements my father walked out. With a man.

"Hello Kairi. I have to speak with your father for a while. You are free to look around the campus if you'd like." He said and smiled.

I turned and left the room. I looked around. I didn't know where to look so I started walking up some stairs. The only things I had on me were my phone and my camera. I'm in to photography.

As I walked around I saw a boy. Standing by a window looking down through it.

He had black hair, glasses, and he was wearing the school uniform. He must be a student. I examined the way he was standing. This was too good of a photo opportunity.

I took out my camera and focused it on the boy. I snapped the picture and it made a click. The boy looked over to me. He just stared at me for a moment. Then he walked over to me with a small smile on his face.

"Hello. Are you new to Ouran?" he asked. I nodded. I'm kinda shy so I don't talk much. He looked down at the camera.

"Did you take a photo of me?" he asked. I just stared at him. "May I see it?"

I pulled out my phone. Any picture I take with my camera automatically saves into my phone. I brought up the picture and showed it to him.

"This is a great picture." He said and looked up at me. He looked like he was making a decision.

"You know, my club has been searching for a professional photographer to work with us. Would you like to be our photographer?" he asked. I stared for a moment.

"You want me to be your photographer?" I asked. He nodded.

"Yes. I can't get photographers to be stealthy enough to catch us when we are most ourselves." He said. "I didn't even hear you coming."

I stared up at him. Deciding if I wanted to do this. It will be doing something I love. And maybe I'll make friends.

"Sure. I'd love to." I said and smiled.

"Perfect. If you would follow me." He said and started walking. I followed.

He led me into a music room. 'Music Room 3' it said on the sign. He opened the door and led me in. I saw a group of people sitting and talking. They hadn't noticed we came in.

I stopped the boy. He turned and looked at me in confusion. I brought up my camera and snapped a photo of the talking group. The boy smiled and led me over to the group.

"Kyo-chan! You're back!" a small blonde boy said. He had the biggest smile I've ever seen.

"Who's this Kyoya?" one of them asked. I didn't see who.

"This." Kyoya said. "Is our new photographer."

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