"W-what?" I asked. A tear rolled down his cheek.
"I'm sorry. I want to be with you. But- I don't know." Hikaru said.
"So...... Are we.... Breaking up?" I asked. I didn't notice my voice was shaky.
"No! No." He said and looked into my eyes. "I'm not ever leaving you. I love you. And I'm going to fight to be with you."
"But... What if you can't. And you have to marry someone else." I said.
"I don't care. I'm not marrying anyone. I don't want anyone else but you. I want you. And only you." He said. "I only told you because I thought you should know."
"Why is your dad doing this?" I asked.
"He wants me to marry someone of a very wealthy family." Hikaru said. "Something about how it will be good for me."
"Well. Maybe you should be with someone of a wealthy family." I said and looked down.
Hikaru tilted my head up to look at him. There was a sadness in his eyes.
"No. I won't be with anyone if I can't be with you." He said.
"But. Your father-"
"I don't care about my father! I care about you. And I love you Kairi. And if I can't be with you I don't want anyone." Hikaru said and pulled me into his chest. I wrapped my arms around him.
"I love you. And I'm not letting my father do this." Hikaru said. He pulled away from me.
"Let's go. To my house. Right now. We're talking to my father." Hikaru said.
Within minutes the limo was back and Hikaru pulled me in with him. I tried telling Hikaru that maybe he should wait but he wouldn't listen.
Soon we were at the Hitachiin home. Hikaru ran me into the house. His hand in mine. I saw Kauru on the couch reading.
"You stay with Kauru. I'm going to have a talk with my father." Hikaru said and left.
"What's wrong with Hikaru?" Kauru asked.
"He's angry because his father is going to set up an arranged marriage for him." I said and sat next to Kauru.
"Oh. Right. That." Kauru said. "I don't like it either. If I marry I want it to be for love."
"I would hate for either of you to have to do something you don't want to do." I said. Then Hikaru and his father came downstairs.
"Kauru. If you would excuse us." Mr. Hitachiin said. Kauru got up and went upstairs.
"Hikaru. Go with your brother." He said.
"No. I'm staying here while you talk to her." Hikaru protested.
"Hikaru. Go. Now." Mr. Hitachiin said sternly. Hikaru went upstairs hesitantly.
"So. You are Kairi." He said. I nodded.
"My son is protesting my plans for him because of you." He said. I said nothing.
"Because of you. He's never here. He's always out with you. And if he is here he's on the phone with you." Mr. Hitachiin said. "I think you are a distraction for him."
"Mr. Hitachiin-" I said.
"Don't interrupt me." I fell silent. "You are a distraction for my son. I want you out of his life. I don't want you to go near him. I don't want you to talk to him. Stay away from Hikaru. You are just a worthless girl. He will marry someone of a wealthy family. He doesn't need you around dragging him down." He said sternly.
I said nothing. Just sat there as my eyes filled with tears.
"Do you understand me?" he said.
"Yes sir." I said softly.
"So what are you going to do?" he asked.
"Stay away from Hikaru." I said shakily.
"I'll be sure to tell him to stay away from you as well." He said. I nodded.
"Do you know where the door is?" he asked. I nodded. "Then leave. No goodbyes. Just go."
I stood up and started to leave.
"Kairi!" I heard Hikaru call. But I didn't turn around. He called again and I ran for the door.
Hikaru caught my arm before I got to the door. I didn't look at him. I couldn't.
"Kairi." He said softly. I didn't say anything.
"Hikaru. Come here. I need to have a word with you." Mr. Hitachiin said.
"Don't leave." Hikaru said as he walked away.
"I am forbidding you from seeing her-" that was all I heard before I opened the door and ran.
I ran as far as I could before I stopped for breath. I sat on the ground for a minute and cried. Then I heard someone call me from a distance. Hikaru.
I got up and ran for my house. I got to my front steps and ran up to my room. I was sure to close my door carefully before I threw myself on the bed and cried.
I got a call. Hikaru. I ignored it. Within 10 minuted I had 5 missed calls and at least 10 messages. I ignored them all. It killed me. But I had to.
I'm just a distraction. A worthless girl. I'm just dragging him down.
Hikaru left a message the last time he called. I listened to it.
"Kairi. Why won't you answer me? What did my father say? Why did you run out? Please talk to me. Kairi. Please." There was a pause. "I love you."
The message ended. I sat there and cried until I eventually fell asleep.

The Photographer
FanfictionWhen Kairi Riku gets a scholarship to Ouran High School she meets some new people. The Host Club. When the club hires her as their photographer she begins to get to know them all better and becomes friends with them all. What happens when she falls...