Hikaru P.O.V.
I sat outside that hospital room for 20 minutes before I got enough courage to go back in. I walked in and Kairi smiled at me. I smiled back.
"So... I noticed you had a camera with you. Are you a photographer?" I asked with a smile.
There's no way I'm going to let her see how broken I am inside. I'm going to hide this broken heart with everything I can.
"Yes. I am." She smiled.
She began to tell me about how she got into photography. Her eyes lit up when she talked about it. I could only smile and make comments. Controlling my urge to just shout 'I love you!'
After a while the doctor came in. I got up and pulled him aside to talk to him.
"Is something wrong?" he asked.
"She doesn't remember a lot from the past few months." I said.
"No? That's normal for someone who hit her head as much as she did." The doctor told me. "Don't push any information on her that she's forgotten. See if she can remember on her own."
I nodded and he went to talk to her. I heard someone at the door. Mr. and Mrs. Riku. They walked over to me.
"How is she?" her dad asked.
"She doesn't remember anything after the day you enrolled her here. She remembers going to wander the halls. Then nothing." I said sadly. "She doesn't remember me or any of her friends."
"Hikaru. I'm so sorry. I'm sure she'll remember in time." Mrs. Riku said. I gave her a half smile.
"I'm going to go home." I said and walked to the door.
"Are you leaving Hikaru?" Kairi asked. I turned and smiled at her.
"Yeah. I'll see you later though." I said. She smiled and I left.
I went straight to Ouran. I walked around until I found the Hosts sitting in the grass. I walked up to them.
"Where's Kairi-chan?" Honey asked.
"She.... She hit her head pretty hard. She's fine. It's just....." I stopped.
Kauru walked over to me an put a hand on my shoulder. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.
"She doesn't remember anything after the point when her dad brought her here for the first time." I said. "She doesn't remember any of us."
They all just sat there. I sat down next to them and Kauru sat next to me and held my hand.
"How can we get her to remember?" Haruhi asked.
"We can't put any information on her. She has to remember on her own." I said.
~ le time skips~
It's been two days since Kairi's incident. I am hiding everything broken about me. Acting as if she's perfectly fine.
At school at least. I step out of our limo and smile. I hide everything. People ask me how she is and I tell them she's fine but she won't be at school for a while.
I go to the Host Club and go on with the charade. Everything I do is so believable sometimes I think I'm truly okay then I remember I'm not.
How can I be? My angel doesn't remember me. None of the Hosts can see her because she needs to remember on her own.
I get daily calls from her parents telling me how she's doing. No change. No change.
I go to the garden every day. I sit somewhere no one can find me. And I just think about Kairi.
Now I was in that spot thinking when Haruhi came up to me.
"Hikaru?" she said.
"Hmm?" I looked at her.
"I'm going to see Kairi. Would you like to come?" she asked.
"What's the point in going to see her when she has no idea who I am?" I replied.
"Maybe she could remember." She said softly.
"No. I'm going home." I said and ran out of the garden.
I started walking home. I hadn't even noticed where I was going. I ended up at Kairi's house.
I sighed. I walked up to the door. When I was about to knock I stopped myself. I can't go in there. Keep up this charade.
I turned around to leave and Haruhi was at the bottom of the steps.
"You're not leaving." She said.
"No! You are going in there. If she does start to remember don't you want to be there?" she asked.
I turned around and looked at the door.
"Alright. I'll go in." I said and when Kairi opened the door I out on a smile.
"Hello Kairi." I said cheerfully.

The Photographer
FanfictionWhen Kairi Riku gets a scholarship to Ouran High School she meets some new people. The Host Club. When the club hires her as their photographer she begins to get to know them all better and becomes friends with them all. What happens when she falls...