I woke up to my alarm. I quickly got up and wine up Haruhi. We got ready and headed to Ouran.
"Ready for Tamaki's party?" Haruhi asked me.
"Got my jeans and sweatshirt in my bag." I said and smiled.
When we got to the school we went to our class. Ugh. There's a test today. Soon school started and the test began.
I knew most of what was on the test so I finished fairly quickly. However, Haruhi finished before I did. The teacher told us that the test was all we were doing today so we were free to leave.
This school is weird. I admit it. But some things are alright. Me and Haruhi left the classroom leaving the twins to finish their tests. Did I mention they're in my class too?
I ran into the restroom to change as soon as the bell rang. I came out and Haruhi frowned at me. I just laughed as we walked to music room 3. There was no host club today. We were just meeting before the party.
"Are we all ready my children?!" Tamaki asked enthusiastically. We heard an evil like laugh. Rengee.
The contraption started coming out of the ground. I snapped a picture. I looked at it. She looked like a music star on a stage.
"Are you all ready for the party?" she asked.
"Yeah." I said with a bored tone. She jumped in front of me.
"You don't sound happy." She said to me. All the hosts had started to walk out.
"Oh I am." I said in the same tone. She glared at me.
"Maybe you'd feel better if I got Hikaru to hold your hand?" she whispered. "Because you love him."
My eyes went wide as I stared at her. She seemed pleased with herself and she walked away. I followed slowly behind.
~le time skip~
Everyone walked into Tamaki's party. Not many people were here yet.
"When is everyone else coming?" I asked Tamaki.
"Soon." He said. "What should we do?"
"I think we should play a game!" Rengee shouted.
"What game?" Hunny asked.
"Seven minutes in heaven!" she shouted and glanced at me. What is she doing?
"Kairi should go first!" she shouted and handed me a hat. Where'd she get this?
"I don't want to play." I told her. She was about to protest when the doorbell rang. Tamaki opened it and a whole load of people came in.
I walked away from Rengee and sat on a couch. After a while into the party Hikaru sat next to me.
"Are you going to sit here all night?" He asked.
"As long as I can." I said.
"Get up lazy!" he said and poked my stomach. I giggled.
"Kairi.... Are you by any chance..." He slid closer to me. "...ticklish?"
Very ticklish. "No." I said.
"Liar." He said and tickled me. I burst out laughing. When he finally stopped tickling me I opened my eyes.
I was laying in his lap. How'd I get here?
"You. Are mean." I said to him.
"Am not." He said.
"Yes. You are." I said. he pretended to be hurt by my words. Then he burst out laughing. He can not keep a serious face. I sat up. He was still laughing.
His laugh is contagious because soon I was laughing too. We just sat there laughing for 20 minutes.
A girl walked up to Hikaru.
"I noticed you haven't been with your brother all night." She said.
"Oh. I haven't have I?" he asked. She shook her head. "Where is my darling brother?"
She pointed across the room to Kauru standing by the wall laughing with Tamaki.
"Kaauuurruuuuu!!!!!" he called. Kauru's head shot up and saw Hikaru. He ran over to him.
"Oh Kauru. I'm sorry I haven't been with you a night." Hikaru said.
"It's okay. I knew you were having fun." Kauru said and hugged his brother. They continued on with their twincest for about 10 minutes. A the girls were swooning.
Wow. This is just.... Wow. My phone went off. It was a text from my Kara. She was kiddie to take me home. I stood up.
All of my friends are busy. I decided to just leave and text them all that I had left. When I got home I laid in my bed. And slowly drifted off into sleep.

The Photographer
FanfictionWhen Kairi Riku gets a scholarship to Ouran High School she meets some new people. The Host Club. When the club hires her as their photographer she begins to get to know them all better and becomes friends with them all. What happens when she falls...