I can't sleep. I'm laying here staring up at the ceiling and I can't sleep for some reason. I'm trying. But I can't. Ugh!
I laid there for about an hour. And I should do something. It's 10:00. My phone went off. Hikaru.
- hi Kairi.
~ hello ;)
- did I wake you?
~ nope. I've been up for a while. I can't sleep :(
- me either. :(
~ what do we do?
- hmmmmm....... Hold on.
I laid there and waited for 10 minutes. 15 minutes. 20 minutes. I heard a tap at my window.
I walked out to my balcony and looked down. Hikaru was there. In sweats and a tshirt. He smiled up at me.
"You planning to climb the tree to get up here?" I asked.
"Is that a challenge?" he asked. Before I could say anything he was climbing the tree.
He hopped from the tree to the balcony and stood in front of me. He smiled at me.
"Well hi." I laughed. "Watcha doin here?" I asked as I walked back into my room.
"You can't sleep. I can't sleep. I decided to come over and see if we could sleep." He said.
"That doesn't really make sense." I said as I crawled onto my bed.
"Sure it does." He said and sat next to me.
"Mmhmm." I said and laid down. Hikaru laid next to me.
It was dark so I couldn't really see anything but I could clearly see his eyes and his smile. It was like the Cheshire Cat. I giggled.
"What?" he asked.
"I can only see your eyes and smile so you look like the Cheshire Cat." I said. He laughed then stopped smiling.
All I could see were his bright eyes. Then they disappeared. Uh oh. There was nothing for a while. No movement. No sounds. Just darkness.
I felt Hikaru move. I didn't know where but he was still on the bed somewhere. I laid flat on my back. I put my hand up and I touched something.
I gasped then realized it was Hikaru. My hand was on his chest. His eyes came back and they stared at me. Then his smile was back.
"I love your violet eyes. They're very bright." He whispered. I was about to say something when his smile and eyes disappeared.
Here we go again. No movements. I could hear his breathing though. He was still above me. I got an idea. I reached up and grabbed his shirt in my hands.
I pulled him down until his face was right in front of mine. I smiled when his eyes and smile returned.
"Did you pull me down here for a reason?" he whispered.
"Hmmmm...... Well I was going to do something but now I don't want to." I said.
"I think I know what you were going to do." He said.
"You couldn't possibly know what I was going to do." I said.
Hikaru P.O.V.
Kairi grabbed my shirt and pulled me close to her. Then she did nothing. She just smiled.
"Did you pull me down here for a reason?" I asked.
"Hmmmmm...... Well I was going to do something but now I don't want to." She said.
She is such a tease.
"I think I know what you were going to do." I said.
"You couldn't possibly know what I was going to do." She said.
I leaned down so there was barely any room at all between us. I closed the space and kissed her. Our lips moved together.
Her hands were still holding me shirt. I pulled away and smiled at her. She stared up at me with her big violet eyes.
"How'd you know?" she giggled. I flipped us over so she was laying on me.
"Can you sleep now?" I asked. No answer. I could hear her steady breathing.
I was going to get up to go home but I noticed Kairi's arms were around me. I decided to just stay and sleep here.
"Sleep well Kairi." I whispered. "I love you."
"I love you Hikaru." She said and cuddled into me. I laughed a little and wrapped my arms around her.
I soon fell asleep with my sleeping angel in my arms.

The Photographer
FanfictionWhen Kairi Riku gets a scholarship to Ouran High School she meets some new people. The Host Club. When the club hires her as their photographer she begins to get to know them all better and becomes friends with them all. What happens when she falls...