They came in with Rengee and I had to grab Hikaru's arm so he wouldn't go and yell in her face. Everyone was silent for a moment. Rengee looked scared.
"Kairi." She started. "You have to understand I didn't know."
"What do you mean you didn't know?" Hikaru asked.
"I mean. Two girls came to me and said that they wanted to apologize to you it doing something but you wouldn't talk to them. They thought I should give you what they wanted to give because they thought you wouldn't take it if it was from them." She explained. "I said id do it and I gave you the cake. I didn't know it would do this."
"How are we supposed to believe you?" Hikaru asked.
"It wasn't my fault! I didn't know they were doing this!" Rengee said.
Hikaru was about to say something but I stopped him. I sat up straight.
"Come here." I told her. She walked over slowly. I could see the fear and regret in her eyes. "I know you didn't do it." I finally said.
She sighed in relief. She looked to the other Hosts. They didn't say anything.
"Did they tell you what was in the cake?" I asked.
"No. After I told them I had done it. They said that it was meant to do something to you. I tried to find you but I couldn't. Next thing I knew the Hosts grabbed me and pulled me here." She said. "They wouldn't tell me."
The doctor came in and was surprised at how many people came in within 10 minutes. He walked over to me and looked at his clipboard.
"What was in your system was very dangerous. But it's a good thing you got here when you did. We can get it out of your system now with a shot. But we need confirmation from your parents. We're on the phone with them now." He said.
"So, when I get the shot I should be fine?" I asked. He nodded. A nurse walked in with a tray and a needle filled with an odd liquid.
"Her parents said to do it. And they also said they're coming home." The nurse smiled. "Because this is the second time you've been here while they were gone."
I laughed a little. "It is isn't it." I said.
They gave me the shot and told me I had to stay here for about an hour to be sure it's working.
"And if you do cough up any blood it's because it's getting out of your system. It should only happen once or twice so don't be worried." The doctor said and left.
"What were the girls names?" Hikaru asked Rengee. She walked over to Kyoya so he could write down what she said.
After an hour of us all just sitting there the doctor came in to check on me. They said I could go home.
I had told Rengee not to worry and to go home. She was relieved I wasn't upset with her.
When I got home all of the Hosts came in with me. It was a Friday so they were all going to stay as long as they could.
I walked in and my parents were there. I ran to them and hugged them. They hugged me then looked me in the eyes.
"You need to explain why you were in the hospital twice while we were away." My dad said.
We all went into the living room as I explained the whole thing about me ignoring Hikaru. My mom stopped me when I had gotten to the part where I passed out.
"Why would you do that?" she asked.
"I thought he deserved better." I said.
"You are crazy." My mom said. "What were you doing during all this?" she asked Hikaru.
"Trying to talk to her. She was tearing me apart. And all I wanted to do was be with her. And she ignored me." Hikaru said.
He was sitting next to me so I leaned back into him. I looked up into his amber eyes.
"I'm sorry. I won't ever do it again." I said.
"Continue with your story." My dad said. And I continued. And since all the Hosts were there, there was a lot of outbursts from them.
Finally we had finished telling the story and my parents just looked at us all.
"You're all crazy." My dad said. They just stared at him confused while I laughed.
"Why do you think they're my friends?" I asked.
"Well I wasn't sure until just now. But now I see that you found a group that's as weird as you are." He said.
"I did pick an odd group." I said. "They're a bunch of weirdos."
They all laughed at me.
"Kairi." My mom said. I looked at her. "Don't get put in the hospital again while we're gone."
"I make no promises." I said.
"We do." All the Hosts said. I smiled at them.
I hugged my parents and they left again. Kara was out for the night. My parents said the Hosts could stay over.
We started watching movies and soon everyone was asleep except for me and Hikaru.
"Never ignore me again." He said.
"What?" I asked.
"You were explaining to your parents about when you ignored me. It reminded me of how much you killed me. I don't want you to do that ever again." He said.
"I make no promises." I said.
"Kairi." He said and looked at me. "I'm serious. You killed me. My angel ignored me and I felt like I was in hell. I don't want you to do that ever again."
"I promise I won't. It killed me too." I said. He kissed me. I kissed him back.
"You won't do it again?" he asked when he pulled away.
"Never again." I said. He laid down and I laid down next to him.
"I promise." I whispered as we fell asleep.

The Photographer
FanfictionWhen Kairi Riku gets a scholarship to Ouran High School she meets some new people. The Host Club. When the club hires her as their photographer she begins to get to know them all better and becomes friends with them all. What happens when she falls...