Part 2: I.S.S.

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The next few days were even harder. There was a rumor going around saying "I was so tough and I could beat anybody up in this school." I'm not a fighter. All I wanted was friends and now I definitely won't have any. Everybody for sure hates me now.

I was sitting in the lunch room by myself. Eating alone. This was going to be the hardest year yet.

I had just finished eating my lunch when this girl came up to me. She was one of the most popular girl in the school.

"So I heard you were tough. Show me." She laughed and pushed me.

"Just leave me alone. I never said anything!" I said embarrassed because everyone was staring.

"You're so "tough" alright. Keep your f***king mouth shut you little b****."

I just looked at her shocked. I got up and grabbed my stuff and walked out of the school.

"I wish I was never even born." I said to myself as I was walking.

I got home luckily nobody was home. I used my key and went into my room. I locked my door behind me and cried. This was the worst year of my life.

I woke up to my mom pushing me awake.

"Maisie. The school called and said you weren't in your afternoon classes where the hell were you?" She was angry.

"I came home. I felt sick." I said quietly.

"You're grounded young lady." She said before slamming my door.

I laid back down and went back to sleep.

The next day, my mother woke me up. I took a shower and got ready.

I grabbed my backpack and left early I took a long walk.

I arrived on time. I was heading to my class when I was stopped my ninth period teacher.

"Maisie, you missed my class yesterday."

"Yeah, I felt sick so I went home."

"Well I have a lot of work for you to do." She said with attitude.

I shook my head and walked away.

This time I heard my name over the announcements I had to go down to the office.

"Great." I said quietly.

I walked into the principals office. He looked mean.

"So Maisie you left school yesterday?"

"Yeah, I felt sick so I left."

"Well we have rules here. Something could've went wrong on your way home and you could've been hurt. We would've been held responsible."

"Well.. I'm not."

"I'm sorry we don't work like that here. You have I.S.S. which is in school suspension. It's today. You will be in there all day."

I looked at him in shock.  Just freaking great

He walked me down there. I was already embarrassed enough.

I sat in I.S.S. for 6 hours. It was so boring but this really cute guy was staring at me the whole time. I mean the whole time. It was annoying at first but then it got cute.

He passed me notes secretly of course so we wouldn't get in any trouble.

In one of his notes he gave me his number. This was actually the best experience since I moved here.

After the last bell I was able to leave. I just waited for him just so I could here his voice.

"Hey." I said shyly.

"Hi." His voice so calm. I started to get butterflies in my stomach.

"So, what's your name I've never seen you around."

"Maisie, I just moved here."

"Ohh, you're that new girl."

"Yeah." I said embarrassed.

"I think you're cool. See you around?"

"Yea sure." I said quietly.

I walked home not caring how cold it was. I've never felt this way before. He was so cute, but why was he talking to me. Nobody likes me.

I got home and FaceTimed both Ava and Nate. I told him everything fast because I knew my mom was going to come up and take my phone.

I couldn't wait to go back and see him tomorrow.

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