Part 3: The bully

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The next day I hurried and got dressed into a cute outfit. I left the house bright and early. He told me to  meet him at school early so he could give me a full tour of the school since I still didn't really know my way around.

I finally got to school around 7:15. As expected he was waiting by the main entrance.

"Hey!" I said as I walked up to him.

"Hey Maisie."

"So you ready?" He asked.

"Yeah." He held the door open for me.

We started to walk around the school.

"So, you know my name. What's yours?" I asked him.



"Not that you're cute, I mean you know what I mean." I stuttered nervously.

He laughed.

"Well I think you're cute." He smiled at me.

"Thanks!" I blushed.

"So, I texted you last night, but you never replied." He frowned.

"Oh, I got my phone taken away."

"Yikes, why did you get in trouble?" He asked.

"I walked out of school on Wednesday." I frowned


"I never said that rumor that's going around. Do you believe me?" I asked him.

"Yeah, you're pretty quiet. If you want you can hang it with me in lunch."

"Thanks. I don't really have much friends."

"My friends are cool. I think you'll like them." He smiled again.

"Okay." I smiled.

As the bell rang we headed different ways. Everything was going good so far. I couldn't wait for lunch.

As soon as the last bell rang for lunch I booked it towards lunch to find him. Again he was waiting for me.

He led me to his group of friends. Some of them I recognized from my classes.

"So these are my friends, this is David."

He shook my hand.

"Hi." I said shyly.


"Hey you're in my English and Social Studies right?" She asked.



"And this is Jaidyn and his girlfriend Kailyn."

"Nice to meet you." They gave me a hug.

I felt special they were so nice to me.

I sat down next to Anna and Matthew.

I was eating my lunch, when I noticed the same girl that pushed me in lunch the other day. She was staring at me and giving me a glare like she was going to kill me.

"Hey Anna?" I tapped her shoulder.

"Yeah." She said biting an apple.

"Whose that girl over there?" I asked.

Everyone got quiet and looked at me.

"Did I say something wrong?"

"No, it's just... that's Ariana. She's my ex." Mathew said.

I looked at him in shock.

"I've got to go. See you in class?" I said while rushing to get my stuff together.

"Okay?" He looked confused.

I waved at Anna and started down the hall. I was a little upset because Ariana's after me. Even more now, that I have been hanging out with her ex. Now I'm scared for my life.

I went to class early. Of course my math teacher wasn't there. I sat in my seat and scrolled through my phone.

After a few minutes, I heard the door open. I figured it was just my teacher so I didn't look. I continued to scroll through my phone when some grabbed me and threw me to the ground. I looked up. It was Ariana.

"What are you doing, just leave me alone!" I screamed.

"This is what happens when you get on my bad side."

She banged my head of the side of the desk. I blacked out.

I woke up a few minutes later. My math teacher was asking me questions.

I was confused. My head was pounding and I'm pretty sure it was bleeding.

"What happened?" I managed to say.

"You fell and banged your head. Can you sit up for me?" She asked me.

"Yeah." I said quietly.

I slowly sat up but I felt dizzy.

"The nurse is on her way. Here drink some water sweetie."

"It's fine I can walk." I said quickly as I stood up.

There's no way I just fell. I couldn't even remember what happened.

I started to walk towards the door.

"Maisie, I think you should sit down and wait you might have a concussion."

"Thank you Mrs. O'bryne but I'll be okay."

I wanted to cry cause now I'm even more embarrassed than I have been before.

I left the room before she could even say anything.

I started to feel dizzy again. Luckily my English teacher was walking by.

"Maisie, are you okay?" She asked me.

"Can I use your phone?" My voice was shaky. I didn't even know what I was saying anymore.

"Of course." She looked concerned.

I turned around and walked behind her. She gave me her phone and sat down next to me.

I called my mom. The tears were coming for sure.

My mom answered finally.

"This is Colleen how may I help you?"

"Mom?" I said quietly but my voice was still shaky.

"Maisie what's going on are you okay?" My mom sounded nervous.

I felt like I was going to pass out.

"I need... to go to the hospital?" I said as my eyes closed and I dropped the phone on accident. It scared me so bad that I jumped back up.

"Here sit down honey." Mrs.Green sat me down and picked up her phone she started to talk to my mom.

I wanted to sleep right then in there, but I couldn't because I had a concussion. My head was pounding and it was bleeding. I held my hand on it while I started to cry.

Mrs.Green told me my mom was on her way.

"Thank you." I was about to stand up but she stopped me.

"Maisie, please just wait for the nurse she will take you down stairs."

"I'm fine. I want to go wait for my mom. Thank you for everything Mrs.Green." I sniffed.

I made it down the stairs and waited for my mom by the main stairs. Luckily it was the middle of class so no one was around. I don't think I'll ever come back here again...

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