Part 4: Continued

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I waited for my mom. This was the worst day of my life. I have never had anything bad like this happen.

After a few minutes I watched her car pull up. She came running out. I was so happy. I went into the office. Everyone stared at me. Probably because I had blood all around my head. I put my head down and my mom walked me to the car. She was angry but not at me. She knew I couldn't of "just fell" as my teacher said. I knew myself that I wouldn't of hurt myself that much by just falling. She took me straight to the hospital. By now I was even more dizzy than ever.


"Yes sweetie." She said softly but her voice was a little raspy.

"I'm sorry." I said softly trying not to cry. She hugged me and she helped me inside.

The doctor wheeled me to a room in a wheel chair. My eyes were rolling and they were trying to keep me awake.
I woke up in a hospital room a few hours later. My head was bandaged. I had the worst migraine.

My mom was filling out some papers.



"I'm being bullied." I said quietly.


"The real reason I left school that one day was because this girl pushed me in lunch and was trying to fight me."

"Ohh Maisie." She sighed

"Why didn't you tell me? I could've prevented all of this. Is that what really happened did she push you in class again and split your head open on purpose?" She started to pace around.

"I don't know. I can't remember."

"It's fine. I'll take care of it. Get some rest love."

I smiled and went back to sleep, hoping this migraine would go away.
The next day I was able to go home. My mom gave me my phone back. I needed to talk to Ava. She'd know what to do.

My mom was quiet the way home. She didn't know what to say and neither did I. I was just happy to be home. I was happy to be alive.

As soon as I got home my Dad hugged me. He even started crying. I felt bad. He was working a lot since his new job. My parents did care and I loved them for that.

I told him I was tired so I could go to my room.

I laid on my bed. My head was still bandaged because I had stitches.

I scrolled through my phone. I had many texts and calls. I saw this recent text from an unknown number.

I read the text.

"If you tell anybody what really happened I will make sure you won't wake up next time." -Xoxo Ari

I obviously knew who it was. She was wrong about one thing I was going to tell somebody. One person who will stick up for me.

I immediately started to cry because now I remembered everything that happened my memory was flooding back. She threatened me and then split my head. I wasn't going to let her get away with this. No way!

I went downstairs both my parents were making dinner. They noticed me and stopped.

"Maisie?" My dad looked at me.

"I remember." I sobbed.

"What do you remember was it that girl you were telling me about?"

I nodded.

"What girl? Who hurt you?" My dad started to get angry.

I pulled out my phone and showed them the text.

Both my parents started flipping out.

My dad demanded that I tell him her name.

"Ariana Wells." I sniffed.

My mom hugged me.

"I'm calling the school." She kissed me and walked away.

Her eyes started to get red. I've never seen my parents like this before.

My dad ended up filing a police report. He also made me press charges again Ariana. I was glad she was going to be in trouble but it would also hurt Mathew. I feel like he would hate me.

I went upstairs and debated if I should text him or not. I did anyways.

He texted be back a few minutes later.

"Are you okay. I heard you split your head open."

"I'm fine, there's something I need to tell you."

"Me too."

I wondered what he was was going to say.

"You go first." He texted

"Look Matthew, I'm being bullied. I was pushed and she slammed my head on the side of my desk. She's been threatening me for a few weeks now."


"You're ex girlfriend Ariana." I gulped scared of his reaction.

"Maisie... I like you and I'm really sorry that she did that to you. I'm really glad you're okay and when you come back I will protect you. I've been hiding my feelings and I really like you more than a friend."

I gasped and blushed. He likes me and I like him this so going better than I thought.

"Will you go out with me?" He texted again.

"Yes I will. I've been hiding my feelings too, and I want to thank you for everything you've done so far. You've been the nicest person to me, since I moved here." I was so happy everything was finally coming together again.

"I'll see you in a few days Maisie.💕" He sent me a heart emoji it was so cute. I was already in love.

I was literally shocked I never expected that reaction. I have a boyfriend. I hoped it would get better.

I couldn't wait for school in a few days. I decided to text Ava and call it a night. There was so much going on. These few days need to fly by.

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