Part 9: School

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I woke up in the middle of the night to a weird sound. It sounded like somebody was banging on my window. I went to check but immediately regretted it.

It was Matthew he was throwing rocks at my window. I sighed and quietly went outside to see what he wanted.

"Matthew what are you doing here? It's 1 in the morning." I rubbed my eyes.

"Look Maisie, I don't wanna lose you. You're my everything. I will die without you." He started crying.

"Matthew just please. I'm sorry. I just can't do this anymore." I apologized and it only made it worse.

"You're not leaving me!" He waved his hands at me angrily.

"I'm sor...." I was cut off by his fist across my face.

"YOU ARE NOT LEAVING ME!" He said angry again.

My eye was swallowed shut. I knew it was going to be even more bruised. 

"I'm sorry Babe! I'm never leaving you." I hugged him and cried. I knew it was wrong but he could kill me.

After awhile of crying I went back inside. Matthew stormed off and left. It was now almost two in the morning.  I immediately went into my bathroom to look at my face.

It was all swelled up.

I just wanted to end it all right there, but I didn't. No matter what I did he was still hurting me. Now I'm more afraid than ever for both of our lives.

The next day I woke up late. I was going to be late if I didn't leave now. I couldn't even open my left eye. It was swollen shut. I was afraid my parents we're going to come up. I wanted to tell them, but my dad being a cop I'm afraid too. Everyone will bully me. I definitely can't afford that. No ones going to believe me. Maybe not even my parents lately.

I threw some clothes on and looked in the mirror. I needed to tell somebody. Somebody that knows and would listen.

Anna! I thought to myself.

I threw some sunglasses on and left so I could meet up with her. I texted her and she said she was on her way to school. I rode the bus so I would be there before her.

I noticed people staring. At this point, in this school, I didn't care. It could be some many things. I needed to try and cover it up better with makeup. I walked in and went right up the stairs. I was about to turn the corner when I heard my ninth period teacher, Ms. Rund's voice.

Shit! She hates. I thought she was talking to somebody so I could sneak past. I put my hoodie over my head and continued up the stairs.

"Take your hoodie off please!" Her voice startled me.

I gulped and put my hoodie down and continued down the hallway when she stopped me.

"Maisie?" I could tell she was about to walk over to me, but I ran into the bathroom.

I wanted to cry.

I quickly took my makeup out and started to try and cover it up. Pain started to run through my eye.

Now I started to cry. I started crying because this is what pain is. You can't do nothing about it. You just have to get through it, even though you want it to end. It doesn't. Right?

I did my best before I heard footsteps coming. They were heels so I knew who it was.

I grabbed my makeup and went into one of the stalls.

I slid to the floor and put my knees to my chest.

"Maisie? Are you okay?" I could hear the sympathy in her voice.

"Yeah I'm fine." My voice cracked as I spoke.

"Can you come out?" She said softly.

I slowly stood up. I gulped as I opened the door. I fake smiled and walked past her towards the mirror.

"What's going on?" She said quietly again.

"Nothing." I fake smiled as my voice cracked again.

"Maisie, look I know we started on the wrong foot but I see something in you. You're a bright young lady." She put her hand on my shoulder.

I nodded and put my head down because the tears started coming again.

I guess she could see the bruise through my glasses because she started asking me questions.

"Maisie your eye..." She gasped.

Shit. I thought to my self.

"Yeah I had a bad morning and I ran into my door knob." I said quietly.

"What really happened?" She asked me again.

By now the bell rang. I didn't even get a chance to talk to Anna.

"I have to go." I walked past her quickly and headed to my first period class. I needed to talk to Anna.

I made it to my class but my first period teacher was standing outside the door. She immediately noticed me but I kept walking.

I went into the classroom and sat down next to Anna.

She looked at me and noticed my sunglasses.

"Uhh Maisie what's with the glasses."

"I need to talk to you." I said seriously.

"Okay.... What's going on?" She got serious.

"It's Matthew." I said quietly because I started crying again.

"Is he okay?" She asked quickly.

"Yeah he's fine. Meet me in the bathroom next period I'll tell you." I said as I started to get annoyed.

Everything was going good the rest of the period. I kept quiet. I was doing a spelling test when the phone rang. My teacher went to answer it.

I started to get nervous.

My teacher came up to me quietly.

"Maisie they need you in the guidance office." She whispered.

I just wanted to scream. I grabbed my bags but Anna stopped me.

"What's going on?"

"I'm sorry Anna." I said as I quickly walked out of the room.

I walked down the long hallway all the way to the guidance office.

I walked as slow as possible, trying to gather my thoughts, and wipe my tears.

This possibly couldn't get any worse. I should've never came to school.

I walked into the guidance office. The receptionist directed me to my guidance counselor.

The door was closed so I knocked. My guidance counselor opened the door. I fake smiled and walked in before I could get all the way in I seen Ms.Rund

I gasped and just looked at her. She gave me a sorry look but I didn't care.

"How could you." I managed to say before turning around and running out of the office.

Tears filled my eyes and I felt nothing but betrayal.

I grabbed my phone and texted Anna to meet me ASAP.

This day just get kept getting worse.
To be continued.....

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