Part 11: Matthew

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The next day I woke up to my alarm and a text from Anna. I smiled and read the text.

"Good morning Maize, it's a new day so I want you to wake up with a smile. I want you to keep your head  up because I have your back no matter what. I'll see you in school. Love you!" I smiled and giggled a little bit.

I texted her back before getting up to start the day.

I picked out a cute outfit before jumping in the shower.

For some reason I felt like it was going to be a good day.

I was just getting dressed when my phone started vibrating.

I looked and it was a bunch of messages from Matthew. I read some of them.

"Maisie, please I need you. Just come back."

"Maisie if you don't answer me I will hurt myself. If I can't have you no one will."

"It's my way or nothing. I will get you back. I promise you. I'll see you in school.😡"

I gasped at the last text. I took a screenshot before blocking his number. For some reason a bunch of weight  lifted off my shoulders.

I set my phone back down and continued to get ready. I put some mousse in my hair and started my makeup. Good thing my bruise was slowly fading away so it wasn't hard to cover it up

I got dressed quickly and threw some converses on. As soon as I finished, I grabbed my backpack and went downstairs.

My mom was waiting for me.

"Good morning love." She smiled and sipped her coffee.

"Good morning." I gave her a weird look before grabbing an apple.

"So right after school can you come straight home please. It's just with everything going on I don't want you walking the streets." She gave me a sad look.

I shook my head and took a bite of my apple.

"Sure. Love you!" I waved before heading out the door.

I walked halfway and met up with Anna.

"So you ready?" She asked.

"Yeah I just hope everything goes good. I'm a little nervous." I said as I gave her a side smile.

"Well you're going to be fine. I have your back. Have you heard anything from Matthew?" She asked.

"Yeah." I nodded my head and showed her the screenshot.

"What is the suppose to mean." She said pointing at the last text.

"I don't know. Maybe I should talk to him. Maybe calm him down." I said gulping.

"I don't know Maisie....Well not alone." She sighed.

"Okay." I nodded.

We made it to the school within five minutes.

We were early so I decided to walk around for a bit till the bell rang.

I started to walk up the main stairs when I remembered that Ms. Rund would be standing there for her hall duty.

"Hey let's go to the other stairwell. I just don't want to see Ms. Rund." I stopped Anna before she turned the corner.

"Maisie it'll be okay. I'm here." She smiled and put her hand on my shoulder.

I sighed and continued up the main stairs. I turned the corner and spotted her right away.

I gave her a small smile and tried to keep walking fast.

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