Part 5: Drama Drama Drama

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It was the night before I had to go back to school. I was a little nervous and excited at the same time. I didn't know what people were going to say. My dad said that the police were investigating and it was going to take a few days before they have enough evidence to arrest her.

I was nervous because she was only in three of my classes and that was first period, lunch, and ninth period Avid. I was lucky enough for Anna to have both of the classes with me. Also Matthew was in lunch so he said he would protect me.

My head was getting better I got my stitches out. It was still healing. The doctor wrote me out of gym for a few weeks I was glad about that.

I went to bed after texting Matthew. I was definitely falling in love.
I waited for Anna by the main doors. I was so nervous to walk in. I didn't know what to expect.

After a few minutes she walked up to me and gave me a hug.

"Uhh I missed you hun, you look better. I have so much to tell you."

"Thanks An, it's now or never." I gave a nervous laugh.

She wrapped her arm on me and we walked in. I noticed Matthew right away. He had the biggest smile on his face when he saw me. I blushed and continued to walk up to him.

He gave me a hug and we walked around till the bell.

Soon first period started. I sighed and sat down next to Anna.
This was going to be a long day.

As soon as I sat down my teacher (Mrs.Green) called me out into the hallway.

"How are you?"

"I'm fine, but does everybody know or something?" I said confused

"Well Maisie, teachers talk, but you don't remember that day?"

"It's blurry, but I'm starting to remember everything. I didn't just fall Mrs.Green I was pushed."

"Are you sure?"

"I was pushed and I know who I have proof and I don't need anybody to believe me. Just say what you want." I said annoyed. I walked back into the classroom leaving her still out there.

Halfway through the period the phone rang and I was called down to the office. Mrs. Green looked at me sympathetic and told me to go down there.

I started to get nervous again. Anna walked me down.

"Relax hun, I'll be right outside." She tried to calm me down.

I gave her a smile to reassure her and walked in. The Vice Principle directed me to her office and closed the door behind me.

"So Maisie, I got a call about an incident that happened here in school last week."

"Yes. "

"Can you tell me what happened?"

"Well I've been bullied by her for weeks now since I've moved here. She's been threatening me and putting her hands on me. It first started when she came up to me and pushed me because of some rumor going around saying that I was tough and could fight anybody."

"Okay... So she's been harassing you?"

"Yes. Then last week in lunch I left early to go to class and the teacher wasn't in class. I was sitting at my desk when I thought the teacher came in, but it was her and she pushed me, then slammed my head off another desk. She told me "that what's happens when you get on my bed side." then I blanked out.

"Are sure about all of this because you had a pretty bad concussion and I've asked around and they said you couldn't remember anything afterwards."

"Why doesn't anyone believe me." I started to cry. I let myself out and went into the bathroom.
Anna was still waiting for me so when she saw me she ran after me.

I looked in the mirror. My makeup was messed up and I couldn't even think straight. Everybody in this school has their heads so far up their asses, that they can't even see what's really going on.

"You alright?" Anna came from around the corner.

"No one believes me." I sniffed.

"I believe you. Matthew believes you. You're parents believe you. This school is horrible for not noticing that she was bullying you. We're gonna fight hun if that's what it takes."

"Thanks An." I gave her a hug.

We decided to go down to the counseling office to talk to my guidance counselor. If anyone in the school we're to believe me it would be her. I thought about the message.

"So Maisie I heard about everything how are you doing." I looked at Anna and she looked at me and nodded.

"Do you believe me?" I almost regretted asking.

"Yes I believe you. It's just a lot of people you can't trust, but you Maisie I see a lot of potential in you and I think you're a very good person and wouldn't make anything like this up."

"Wow. I needed this." I said quietly.

I showed her the message and she gave me advice to what I should do. I was happy that someone finally believed me in the small school.

I gave Mrs. Ha a hug and walked to my class with Anna. It was the end of the day and my last class so I was glad.

At least that what I thought. I walked into class and immediately everyone stared at me. We were a little late, but we had a pass.

I sat down and looked at Anna confused.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"I don't know. Where's Ariana?" She looked around.

Just then Ariana came in crying with my Avid teacher behind her.

I was so confused. She couldn't of got what she deserved yet.

Just then my teacher came up to Anna and I.

"I don't appreciate this "rumor" going around. You two are always "stirring the pot" you're starting drama that doesn't need to be started. I will not take this in my class. Cut it out!" She yelled at me.

I looked at her in shock. Tears were rolling down my face.

"It's not drama Ms. Rund Maisie has been bullied by little miss innocent over there. I'm not gonna sit here and let you yell at us. She has proof!" Anna showed her the text off my phone.

"I didn't write that you're lying!" Ariana sniffed.

"Go to the office!" The teacher yelled again.

"We'll see when her dad traces the text. Did you forget that her dad is cop. See you in jail princess." Anna smirked.

I smiled and hugged Anna as we walked out.

My first day back was not a success. Everything went wrong for all the wrong reasons. Second worst day of my life. I feel like just dropping out at this point.

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