Part 6: Revenge

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Ava and I walked to the office for the second time. We told the principal everything that happened. I even showed her the text finally. I told her that my dad was getting to the bottom of this. She didn't even know he was a cop. I was honestly glad because he saved my ass.

She let me off with a warning "not to be disrespectful" even though I wasn't. I was just glad I didn't get another day of I.S.S. that was horrible.

The last bell rang and I was ready to leave. I caught up with Matthew and we rode the bus home.

We talked and I told him about my day. He felt bad but he held my hand. It definitely made up for everything. His love heals anything.

He gave me a kiss before I got off. It was amazing. I was glad I met him.

I went into my house both my parents were waiting for me by the door. I kind of jumped because they scared me.

"How was your day honey?" My mom said sweetly.

"Fine." I lied.

"Are you sure?"

"I don't want to talk about it." I said quietly and went to my room.

I texted Ava and Nathan and told them about my day. It was rough but the end was the best. No matter how stressful it was I had someone to make me feel better.
I woke up to a soft knock on my door. I opened my eyes and looked at my phone it was almost seven.

"Yeah?" I said quietly.

My mom let herself in and sat on my bed.

I groaned and rolled over.

"We're you sleeping?" She asked me.

"Yeah I'm tired."

"What really happened today?"

"Is dad tracing my text. Because if we don't get to the bottom of this I'm going to be the one in trouble."

"What do you mean you're the one going to be in trouble."

"No one believes me mom." I sniffed.

"We're gonna get her baby. How about you come eat something." She kissed my forehead and walked out.
I woke up to my alarm. It only felt like I got three hours of sleep. I was so tired.

I went downstairs after I finished getting ready. I took awhile so I knew I wouldn't have much time for breakfast.

My parents were sitting in the kitchen talking. I didn't see my dad at all last night so he must've gotten home late from work.

"Hey honey." He said as he noticed me:

I smiled and grabbed a banana.

"So Maize, I traced the text last night I have a match but I'm going to need you to identify her. I have a picture and you need to be honest with me hun."


He showed me a picture and I knew right away it was her.

"That's her dad!" I yelled.

"Do you have enough evidence to arrest her." I said anxiously

"I'm going to the school today to look through some footage I'll let you know tonight."

"I got to go bye dad. Bye mom!" I waved before running out the door I practically ran to school to tell Anna and Matthew.

As as soon as I got to the school I waited for them. I waited for what seemed like 20 minutes. School was about to start and neither of them were here.

I decided to just go in and go to my class. What a great way to start my day.

I sat in class by myself. Anna wasn't here and neither was Matthew. I texted both of them.

Matthew texted back first. He was sick with the flu. I texted back hope you feel better babe, and put my phone away before I got yelled at.

Class was boring, but I was excited because Valentines Day was tomorrow and I actually had a bf to celebrate it with.

Soon period after period went by it was my last class. I was not excited for this one. I hated ninth period. My teacher hated me, all the other students hated me, and Anna wasn't here. Great just freaking great.

I walked in early so my teacher and no one was in there. I sat in my seat and sighed.

It was weird because I thought my dad was coming to the school. I haven't seen him.

I sat quietly when Ariana and her friends walked in. Great so she wasn't in trouble. They all looked straight at me and rolled their eyes.

I fake smiled at them to show them that I didn't care.

A few minutes later my teacher came in. She greeted us and with an announcement that we were taking a test.

Great another thing that I hate about this class. All we do is SATs and ACT practices. Lucky Anna.

She handed out the tests before we were interrupted. Two police officers came in one of them was my dad.
He called Ariana over but she ignored him.

She wouldn't go out into the hallway for them. I knew she was in trouble by the way they looked at her. My dad seen me and smiled. I smiled back as he entered the classroom.

"Ariana you are under arrest for assault and harassment. What ever you say or do will be held against you in the court of law." My dad said as he handcuffed her.

I was in just as much shock as everyone was. This is now the best day of my life. My teacher gasped and watched as they walked her out. The look on her face was priceless. She was so embarrassed her face was red and she started to cry. I couldn't help myself but smile. Good thing nobody looked at me.

I texted Anna and Matthew right away. I then put my phone away I couldn't wait for them to text back. I was finally safe and happy again.

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