Part 12: End Game

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I was mortified. My bestfriend and my ex- boyfriend. They were dead and it was all my fault. I sat there on the ground and just cried. Why? Why did I have to be so stupid. I should've never came in the first place.

After a while of crying I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Ms. Rund holding her hand out next to a group of the SWAT team. I grabbed it and we walked out. So many things were running through my head. I just wanted to end everything.

The SWAT team lead us outside to the front of the school. The sunlight blinded me as we walked through the doors. I covered my head and continued straight.

After a minute I finally saw my mother, but right next to her was the women I was dreading to see. Anna's mother. I collapsed and couldn't move any further. My mother immediately ran to me and I sobbed in her arms.

After a minute I finally had the urge to look at her. Her eyes were bloodshot from crying, her hands were shaking as they touched my skin, and her lips whimpered as she tried to speak.

"What... happened?" She chocked as tears fell from her bright blue eyes.

I shook my head. As I was about to say something when a loud, high pitch scream filled my ears. I glance toward the direction and saw a few EMT's rolling a stretcher toward the ambulance. I knew right away it was Anna. They left her face uncovered.

I glanced at Anna's mom. She took a few steps toward the ambulance and collapsed. I pushed past my mom and ran towards her. I fell down next to her and wrapped my hands around her.

"I'm so sorry. It's all my fault." I finally had the nerve to say.

"You did this!" She looked at me with disgust. Her eyes flared with anger.

"No." I said softly, but nothing was gonna change what I did or what I said.

"Get away from me!" She screamed, and my heart shattered.

I stood up fast and stood there in shock. She was right I did do this.

After a minute I felt arms around me. I turned around to my mom and hugged her as tight as I could.

"I wanna go home." I said in between sobs.

"I know baby." Her voice was raspy.

"Excuse me ma'am. May I speak to your daughter?" A police officer interrupted us.

"What is this about?" My mother insisted.

"Your daughter was involved in this incident. We would like to have a word with her down at the station." The police officer said with attitude.

"My daughter was a victim. Whatever you want to say to her you can say it in front of me." She demanded.

"Look ma'am it's just a few questions. I'm just doing my job." She tried to make it sound less rude.

Before my mom could say anything, I interrupted her.

"Mom it's okay." I tried to fake smile.

She gave me a small smile and kissed my forehead.

The police officer led me to her car. I got in the backseat and stared out the window. My mom waved at me nervously.

None of this would've happened if I didn't go with Matthew. I should've just went straight to class.
One week later....

"Maisie, honey you need to eat something." My mom said softly from the kitchen counter.

"I'm okay." I said softly.

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