Part 8: Party

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The next day I woke up late. Matthew was gone. I went into his bathroom and looked at my face it was puffy and swollen. My eye was also bruised in the corner. I looked at my self. What am I doing? I turned the shower on and cried.

I took a quick shower and got dressed. I put some makeup on to try and cover up my face. I sniffed and sighed put a smile on my face. He didn't mean it. Did he?

I went back out and walked into the kitchen. I heard the front door open.

"Good morning beautiful!" Matthew walked up and kissed me.

"Good morning." I said softly.

"Look baby I'm sorry about last night. I should've never put my hands on you. I'm so sorry I hurt it. I will never do it again. Do you forgive me I brought you breakfast." He gave me sad eyes.

"Of course I forgive you. I love you!" I smiled.

"I love you more!" He kissed me again.

I laughed and hugged him.

I looked at the kitchen table there were tons of groceries.

"You need help?"

"Sure. I got a few things for the party."
Soon enough it was time for the party. Matthew and I were just finishing our last few things when the doorbell rang.

I figured it was somebody that was early. I told Matthew I would get it so he could finish.

I opened it and it was Anna.

"Hey you came!" I hugged her.

"My mom let me since my dad is working late." She said quietly.

I could sense that something was wrong with her but I couldn't figure out what.

"So we were just finishing up if you want to help."

"Sure." She fake smiled.

We finished getting ready and everything was set up.

The door bell rang again. I looked at the time it was almost seven.

"I'll get it babe." Matthew kissed me before walking off.

"Can I talk to you Mais? Anna looked at me seriously.

"Yeah sure." I gave her a concerned look.

I took her to Matthews room and we sat on his bed.

"So what's going on?" I asked.

"I need to tell you something, but you have to promise me you won't tell anybody."

"Of course." I said without hesitation.

"Okay so you know the other day when I told you that I ran into the door..."

"Yeah." I said quietly.

"I lied." She put her head down in shame.

"What do you mean you lied?" I asked.

"My dad swung at me and hit me in my eye." She started to cry.

"I'm so sorry An." I hugged her trying not to cry myself.

"What's going on babe?" Matthew peered from the door.

"Nothing babe. Girl stuff." I fake smiled.

"Well we have guests let's start this party." Jayden said annoyed.

"Okay." I said quietly.

Anna wiped all her tears and fixed her makeup.

I grabbed her hand and walked out. We greeted everybody.
The party was going good. I was talking to Kaitlyn, David, and Anna when Matthew came up and grabbed my arm. He pulled me into his bedroom and closed the door.

"Babe you're hurting me." I yelled.

"What were you and Anna talking about." He yelled angrily.

"Just calm down. I told you we were talking about girl things."

"She was crying! What the hell were you really talking about." He yelled again. I started to get nervous.

I didn't say anything.

"Since you don't want to answer me, you're getting punished."

"What?" I said stupidly.

He grabbed me and threw me on the bed he started taking my clothes off.

"Matthew please I don't want to do this right now can we just talk."

"No shut your mouth!" He covered my mouth.

My tears started coming. He fully undressed me and started to rape me.

My mind froze and I didn't know what to do. He just kept pushing. It hurt everytime he did. I just cried and let him do what he wanted.

I literally just wanted to break up with him and be done but something was holding me back. I don't know if it was fear that he would hurt me or himself even more.

Maybe I just let myself go. Everyone would be better off anyways.

After an hour of crying in his bathroom, I calmed myself down. Nothing was going to change. He for sure wasn't.

The party was basically over and I wanted to go home but Matthew wouldn't let me. He probably was scared that I would tell somebody.

I ended up just going to bed. I had a lot on my mind. My body was sore and I didn't feel like doing anything.

The next day I woke up. I felt so sick. I didn't know if was just everything going on or about what happened last time.

I helped Matthew clean everything up without a word before going home. I just needed time to think.

Anna gave me a ride home so Matthew didn't have to. I kept my sunglasses on because of my bruise it got worse overnight.

"You hungover?" Anna laughed.

"Yea that's it." I gave her a nervous laugh.

"So what happened during the party and didn't see you the rest of the night after Matt pulled you into his room."

"Well... We kind of had sex." I looked away so she couldn't see my shame.

"What! Damn girl." She laughed again. I fake laughed again.

"Don't tell anybody okay." I said quietly.

"Of course Maize. You promise me you won't tell anybody about what I told you either."

"I won't An I just think you should tell your mom."

"She won't believe me." Anna said quietly.

We made it to my house.

"Thank you An, I'll see you in school."

"I'll see you Maisie!" She waved before driving away.

I sighed and walked inside my mom and dad were sitting at the table.

"Hi honey, did you have fun?" My mom asked me as she gave me a hug.

"Yeah." I said quietly.

"You okay? What's with the glasses?" She kept asking me all these questions.

"Oh me being stupid I ran into Anna's door when we were messing around in her room. I just have a little bruise." I gave a nervous laugh.

"Okay..." my mom looked at me weird.

"Gonna go do some homework. Love you!" I shouted as I ran up the stairs.

I closed my door and sighed

That was close.

I jumped in my bed and scrolled through my phone. I seen a few texts from Matthew.

"Hey babe, I'm really sorry about what I did. Please forgive me."

I sighed and threw my phone. When was he ever going to stop.

This was definitely going to be a long week. I feel like I should tell Anna but I'm scared.

I quietly cried myself to sleep. I don't know if I can do this anymore.

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