Chappy 1- Meeting the guys

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I got of the plane following the mass of people. ‘I hate flying’ I thought. Not that I was complaining I has flown for a little over 3 hours to get to see my best friend in the whole wide world whom I haven’t seen in 3 years since he was ‘too busy’ to get off his lazy butt and come see me.

I pushed my short black hair out of my eyes an began scanning the crowds of people at the airport I looked for the Ginger hair to shine out like always, after looking around for a while and realising I couldn’t see him I figured he must just be late, ‘like freaking always’ I thought. I put my bags down at my feet and rubbed my eyes and pulled at the short hair at the back of my neck like I always did when I was nervous or agitated it had been a long day and I was ready for caffeine in my system once more. I’d just began looking around when someone rugby tackled me from behind causing us both the fall to the floor on top of my bags.

“ALAN ANTHONY ASHBY GET YOUR FAT GINGER PRINCESS ARSE OFF ME!” I attempted to yell though I was laughing and I couldn’t quite breath.

“hey he’s my Ginger princess!” some said from behind but I couldn’t see because I was still pinned to the floor.

“get him the heck off me then” I laughed and I felt Alan's weight go from my back I turned over and stood up to see Alan being held bridal style by a tall lanky dark haired guy. Alan himself hadn’t changed much over the last few years.

“how the heck did I not notice Ariel and the freaking green giant?!” I exclaimed “although the beanie would explain why I couldn’t see the beacon of light that is your hair” I pulled the beanie over Alan's eyes

“nice to meet you too Matt!” the tall guy said with a laugh putting Alan down although he seemed pretty comfortable in his arms “I’m Austin” he said with a smile

“dude I know who the heck you are I freaking love your band and you seem to have replaced me by this guy” I said jerking my thumb in Alan's general direction “can you believe this guy? Best friends for 19 years and then he moves away makes new friends and forgets about poor old Mattie back home stuck in a dead end job and no life direction. I have to use twitter to find out what he’s doing and how he is sometimes! I feel like a crazed fan stalking him!”

Alan just laughed and pulled me into a hug “I would never replace you you crazy English woman!” then held me at arms length And looked me up and down “Your tats have expanded!” he said instantly

“they certainly have” I said with a grin “and fo’sho you won’t replace me! You freaking can’t I’m too freaking awesome for you anyway.” I turned to Austin “you’ve gotta be pretty awesome to even come close to replacing me anyway mate”

“I am pretty awesome though I do say so my self” Austin said with a laugh

“well fo’sho you are darlin’ now can we get a wiggle on?” I asked picking up my bags

“no wait stop” Austin said pulling my bags out of my hands and putting them back on the floor and pulling me into a hug “I hadn’t hugged you yet it felt wrong!” I laughed and hugged him back, wait till I got home and told Lex about all this.

We finally got to the car it was an old 4x4 Alan got in the front while me and Austin sat in the back.

“I can hardly believe I’m sitting in the back of a car with Austin Carlile” I said grinning

“why? What? You knew I was friends with Alan didn’t you?” Austin said looking at Alan through the mirror

“oh yes, of course I did but it never really clicked in my mind that coming to see him meant I got to see you too” I was still grinning

Note what's writen in red.- An Of Mice & Men BandFictionWhere stories live. Discover now