Chappy 5- FIGHT!

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I didn't rest until I had got them all in the water at least once. Then we went back to our shaded spot where we dried out in the sun. I had my eyes closed but I could hear people coming towards us with hushed excited whispers

"hi sorry but are you of mice and men?" I looked up to see 2 girls one had blond hair and one had bright dyed red hair. The red head was the one talking.

"yeah we are" Austin said sitting up "what's up girls want to come sit Matt will move her fat arse over so you can sit on a towel each" I shuffled over so there was room then decided to just sit on Phil who was laying next to me so they could have half a towel each

"Erg Matt" Phil yelled trying to sit up

"shh now Phil it's okay it will all be okay" I said in a patronising tone the red head was giving me such a dirty look

"I can't breathe" Phil complained. So I made him lift up his head an I sat cross legged with his head in my lap

"so Er we were like Er wondering Er if-" the blond haired girl started before the red head cut her off

"hi I'm Louise and this is Becky, and we were wondering if you would sign some stuff for us?" she put on a massive smile

"well sure we can!" Alan said smiling "and maybe some pictures too?" 'man he's such a cam whore' I thought to myself

"omg really!" Becky the blond said. She seemed in such awe that she was really with the guys.

Phil and Tino sat up and joined Alan and Austin in signing things and taking photos and I lent back and smiled

"what are you smiling at?" Louise glared at me

"just at how lovely the guys are to the fans" I figured if I Was nice she wouldn't have anything to pick on and she would leave me alone

"'the guys'" she quoted me in an annoying voice "what are you like a crazy fan acting like you know them? Ha."

I stood up and I could feel my temper rising "actually Alan is my best friend so suck it bitch" I said raising my eyebrow just the one

"just cause you tweeted him a few times doesn't make you best friends darling" she was really starting to get on my nerves.

"Matt" Alan said quietly putting his hand on my shoulder, but it was too late she'd gone to far I was lost the the anger, I shrugged his hand off my shoulder

"there not interested in band whores like yo-" she started but never finished because my fist reached her chin it wasn't a clean punch but it just clipped it with enough impact to shock her and knock her back a bit

"you fucking whore!" she yelled launching herself at me, luckily she was inexperienced and it was mostly scratches and pulling at my hair though she did give me a good elbow in the eye, but in the end I pinned her to the ground on her front with her arms behind her back- like police men do in movies.

Before Alan pulled me off her "Matt." he shook his head at me, And I Walked off knowing I needed to chill I ran my hands through my hair like I always did when I was mad I tugged at the short hair on the back of my head.i sat on sand dune with my head in my hands.

Before long Phil came to find me and sat next to me "Matt what you did back there was awesome but wrong and I know you know that so I'm not gonna beat you up about it, the girls alright but Alan did have a massive go at her for being a bitch to you"

"I didn't mean To my anger just gets the better of me sometimes" I rested my head on his shoulder and he put his arm around me "I swear I didn't mean to hurt her is she okay?" I said sitting up and looking at him

"she's fine she might have a fat lip in the morning but it's not exactly gonna damage her looks" Phil said taking my chin in his hand and turning my face this way and that "though she seems to have put significant damage on yours"

I shock my head "her elbow went in my eye is all, I might have a black eye but hey I've had worst" I smile "shall we go back?" i asked standing up and offering my hand to help him up, once he'd got up he didn't let go and I sorta looked down at our hand questionably

"oh right sorry" he muttered dropping my hand like it was a hot coal and we walked back to the others who had packed and were ready to leave.

Once we got home Austin muttered to me "Matt a word?" and began to walk up stairs I followed till we got to his room which I hadn't been in yet so I took a moment to look around before sitting on his bed

"Whats up?" I asked he was walking round and round the room like a caged tiger

"earlier that. That was unacceptable. what the fuck were you thinking? That it's okay to beat up random girls cause they don't believe you're Alan's friend? Sorry Matt but you must know that not everyone will believe you. Alan tried to stop you. Do you know how much I had to apologise for you? This is my bands reputation too Matt okay? I don't think you get that she's a fan we don't go around hurting fans cause she will tell other fan and they will hate you and that will put a downer on our fan base. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU MATILDA?"

he had never called me Matilda so i knew he was really mad and now I was on the brink of tears "I don't mean to Austin you know that, I don't... I don't like hurting people. I just- I can't help it" my voice cracked "my anger it just- I get mad easily and I hit things" I looked down at my hands "I'm sorry Austin, I should never have even come I'll leave as soon as I can"

"hey wait no" Austin sat down "I'm sorry Matt its just we've worked so hard on this band I don't want it to go to waste because of some stupid punch"

"I know I know I get that and I'm sorry"

"I'm not mad Matt I'm disappointed" he got up to go just as Alan walked in

"Austin man don't lay it thick on her" he said sitting next to me "she'll feel shit about it all already"

"I know Alan" he sighed and left

I broke down into tears "Matt Matt hey don't cry Mattie" Alan said putting his arm around me and pulling me close to him "don't cry Mattie please don't cry"

"I'm sorry Alan- I really- really- am- I shouldn't have come- I'll leave- as soon as I can-" I Said between gulps "you're always the one who has to sort out my mess"

"but that's what best friends are for right? don't leave okay I'll talk to Austin he'll be fine after a while I promise"

"he hates me Alan" I Buried my face in his shoulder

"he doesn't hate you! Why would you think that?" Alan held me by my shoulders and push me to arms reach

"cause I've come here and stolen you away from him get in fights with your fans eat your food take up room and time and don't pay a cent"

"Mattie you idiot I don't hate you!" Austin said from the door way coming into the room and hugging me "I'm sorry!" he put me down "clean your face up and come down stairs and Tino can sort out your eye"

I Went into the bathroom to splash water on my face so it wouldn't look like I'd been crying so much and I had my first good look at my eye it was already coming out slightly darker and really hurt to touch. I was poking it when Alan came in "put it on war victim" he said throwing me a bundle of cloth I unfolded it to find his tiger onesie and I put it on to go down stairs.

"there she is!" Austin said hugging me again as I walked into the kitchen.

Tino was sat at the table with chicken soup next to him and first aid kit in front of him "come sit" he pointed to the chair next to him "the soups yours"

After a few minutes of Tino and Alan arguing over what to do with a black eye Tino started winding a bandage over my eye "I'm pretty sure all you have to do is put ice on it!" I said

"yeah but this looks cooler!" Alan laughed. When Tino was done I was sat at the table with soup in front of me, the onesie on and a bandage over one eye

"this has got to go on twitter" Alan laughed and snapped a photo of me glaring at the camera.

Note what's writen in red.- An Of Mice & Men BandFictionWhere stories live. Discover now