Chappy 2- Mornings after

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“Austin man I don’t want to alarm you but there’s a chick in your kitchen eating coco pops” Phil said standing in the doorway looking at me, I was still in the over sized tee I sleep in and my short hair was no doubt sticking up all over the place in traditional morning hair style.

“phil man it’s okay you met her last night” Tino said appearing over Phil's shoulder “morning Matt” he smiled at me and I smiled back

“wait you’re Matt?!” Phil almost yelled “wait I remember now! I told you you looked like a man!” he looked ashamed “you don’t you look really pretty…” he trailed off

“it’s okay she’s used to being called a guy aren’t you Mattie” Alan said from behind me ruffling my hair and coming into the kitchen and pouring a glass of milk

“I’m not a freaking guy Ashby!” I punched Alan

“hey Phil paid you a compliment don’t leave him hanging!” Alan grinned at me he loved doing this to me

“I’m sorry Phil thank you very much it means a lot to me” I said turning my back on Alan and talking to Phil

“what means a lot to Matt?” Austin said rubbing his eyes and coming into the room he walked over to stand next to Alan

“nothing!” I said defensively

“Phil means a lot to Matt right Matt?” Alan said nudging me so hard I fell into Phil

“wait what? no!” I said looking up at who I’d been pushed into “erm hello Phil your eyes look much nicer when they’re not bloodshot- wait did I say that out loud?!” I covered up my mouth “damn it’s too early for me” I buried my head in my hands and the guys all laughed at me

“I think we’ve found Matt's soft spot” Alan said almost cackling with laughter

“go away Ashby!” I laughed along with everyone

“wait how come she can call you Ashby and no-one else can?” Austin asked in all seriousness

“best friend privileges” I practically yelled launching myself into Alan's lap

“I call her Mattie it’s her own pay back” Alan said as I looked over at Austin he looked almost jealous that I was sat in Alan's lap.

“oh Alan and Matt” Tino said snapping a picture “wait till the fans get a hold of this”

“they’ll want to kill you Matt” Phil said with a laugh

I slipped off Alan lap and said “sorry boys I’m taken” with a pretend hair flip and I strutted out of the room and into the adjoining living room so I could still hear them,

“is she really taken?” I hear someone ask Phil I think

“Is she always like this?” Tino I think

“how longs she here?” Tino again

“where did she sleep last night?” Phil defiantly Phil “she seems pretty comfortable with you Alan”

“he’s my Ginger princess” I hear Austin mutter and I had to stifle a laugh before he came in and sat down

“guys guys calm the hell down!” Alan said I could just imagine his face of shock with his hands up in retreat “yes she’s really taken, this is Matt being Matt in the only way she can she’s here for 1 or 2 months, she slept in the guest room and she’s my childhood best friend!”

I turned to Austin “man I’m not trying to replace you in Alan's eyes” I said quietly and pretty fast so that the others wouldn’t hear

“what makes you think I think that or I care?” Austin said defensively

“erm I’m a girl I can real y’all like you’re picture books” I smiled “now Austin you gonna tell aunt Mattie all your problems?”

“no” Austin said looking at his knees

“well that’s no good is it? Well if you want to talk I’m your man okay? And I’m only here for a while sooner or later you’ll have Alan all to your self again” I said with a wink

“what makes you think I want Alan all to myself?” Austin said pretty loud just as everyone came back into the living room,

Alan looked from me to Austin and his face got really red like a tomato “erm what?” he said running his hand through his hair once

“nothing okay?” Austin said turning on the TV Alan looked at me for guidance but I just shrugged I figured things would become clear to them both in time

Tino and Phil had already sat down taking the last seats so Alan kicked me off my seat “hey is that any way to treat a lady?” I said

“ha! You’re no lady!” Austin laughed

“come and say that to my face!” i said turning on him so he stood up and we both took fake wrestling poses and I quickly dived for his seat and sat in it grinning like the cat who got the cream

“you bitch!” Austin said stamping his foot

“I grew up with 3 brothers and that” I said pointing at Alan with a laugh,

Austin walked over to where Alan was sat and just stood over him, Alan looked up “you’re not getting my seat no way” and Austin plonked his butt on Alan's lap. Alan made the noise of a slightly useless whoopee cushion. And Austin just sat on him like he was his own personal thrown.

Note what's writen in red.- An Of Mice & Men BandFictionWhere stories live. Discover now