Chappy 12- hospital.

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I woke up once again with voices all around me why wouldn't they leave me alone I opened my eyes to tell them to go away and everything was so bright and white. The only thing I could see was white everywhere, I blinked a few times until suddenly there was a burst of Ginger hair in my view "she's awake!" his voice was loud too loud I winced  

"hi Matt" Austin said quieter 

"what happened?" I croaked  

"The car flipped while you were driving lex to-" 

"oh god lex where is she? is she okay?" I cut Austin off, fear gripped my heart I don't know what I would do if she wasn't okay and it was my fault 

"mattie you need to stay calm, she's a few beds down, but she still hasn't regained consciousness" 

At this news I tried to get out of the bed but tino held me down 

"no. The doctor said you need to rest" 

"I don't give a damn when the doctor said valintino I need to see lex now." I said in a slow steady voice, Austin put his hand on Tinos shoulder. And Tino loosen his grip. 

"thank you" I slowly slipped out of the bed, "now would someone please show me the way to lex?" Alan put his arm over my shoulder and lead me down to when lex lay, perfectly still and emotionless. 

I grabbed her hand and collapsed onto a chair, Alan looked at me concern filled his eyes for his best friend. 

"lex baby please wake up for me" tears were running down my face, as I remembered the last time we were in hospital.


"come on babe" I pulled lex closer to me "you know I didn't mean it" 

She pulled away and kept walking "hey stop being a stubborn cow" I said hurt 

"I'm not just leave me alone" 

"you have to talk to me we live together we sleep together" she was walking along side me again I put my arm over her shoulders "I love you Alexandria" 

"I know" she mumbled back. 

We walked in silence for a while in the dim light of the street lamps. 

I could hear drunken shouting in the distance, but didn't think much of it at the time; until it got closer. 

I pulled lex closer to my body, she looked up at me confused. 

"what's wrong Matt?" she asked her eyes filled with concern 

"nothing just stay close" I said my eyes begging her to just do as I say. 

Just as we approached the corner a group of around 6 drunken men stumbled around the corner.  

"hey pretty girls want to come back with us?" one of them jeered. They looked pretty young probably on a lads night out. 

"I think they're gay" another one called 




"dirty lesbians" 

They were all calling and pulling at out clothes. 

"you're a pretty little one, if you had the right cock you'd turn" the first guy had a hold of lex, and was holding her so close to his face, fear filled her eyes. 

"LEX!" I yelled struggling to get up but one of the others was holding me back while the guy holding lex pushed her to the floor and kicked her. The others joined in until she was limp. Only then did I get thrown roughly to the ground. 

"lesbian scum" he spat at me before stumbling away.

-end of flashback-

We'd ended up in hospital then too.

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