Chappy 13- cant catch a break

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"hey, hey matt"

my head jolted up "huh what?" I saw Alan stood in front of me

"Erm the doctor said you have to leave lex now"

"the doctor can go fuck himself" I replied simply "I'm not leaving her"

"look" Alan sat beside me "I know this is hard but by spending every living moment with her your making yourself ill. What's she going to think when she wakes up to this?" he held up a Mirror to my face and looking back was an overly tired, half starved lesbian.

"well shit man" I breathed out "I just don't want her to wake up alone"

"I know you don't matt I know" Alan put his arm over my shoulder and let me just rest my head there.

"okay lex I'm going to go ill leave you in the care of the doctors they'll look after you and ring me when you wake up. I love you okay" I squeezed her hand "HOLY SHIT"

"what Matt what?" Alan looked concerned

"she squeezed back!"

He looked sad for a minute "no Matt she didn't, you just really want her to do you think she did"

"no she did! Alan please" I knew he thought I was crazy, hell I thought I was crazy; but she had squeezed my hand... Hadnt she? I was beginning to doubt myself.

"come on" Alan said "let's go home"

I took one last look at lex and sighed.

We got half way down the corridor when I doctor came running up to us "are you with miss Alexandria in room 503?" he looked panicked.

I looked at Alan "yes why?" I said trying not to panic or think the worst

"she's woken up"

Note what's writen in red.- An Of Mice & Men BandFictionWhere stories live. Discover now