Chappy 14. Risk taker

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I ran into the room I'd just left

"lex lex oh lex you're okay, don't you ever worry me like that again" I was cradling her head but I could feel her pulling herself away from me I looked down at her releasing my grip

"who are you?" she asked

"it's me lex don't mess around come on its me matt" this can't be happening not now not ever she has to know me she has to.

She glanced over my shoulder "Alan!"

"oh uh hi" Alan obviously felt awkward that she remembered him not me and I burst into tears

"Matt come on she will remember you" Alan put his arms round me "it might just take a while"

A doctor approached lex's bed

"who is she" lex asked alan or the doctor I'm not sure

"this is matt you've been dating for 4 years if you look you have her name tattooed on your arm" Alan reply and lex struggled to view the inside of her left arm where Alan had pointed without ripping her Iv out.

"oh" she said as she looked at the evidence of me being part of her life in black and white, inked forever on her skin. She looked up at me then burst into tears

"I'm going to have to ask you to leave you're distressing my patient" the doctor said as I nurse ushered us back out of the room, I was in stunned silence.

"she... Doesn't" I whispered the last part so quietly I'm pretty sure if I hadn't thrown my hands over my mouth so quickly I felt my lips close over the last syllable I don't think even I would have believed I said it.

Alan just stared at me with so much sympathy in his eyes I couldn't stand to look at him.

Austin, Tino and Phil burst into the room with monster drinks and Austin threw his arms around me

"oh matt I'm so sorry"

I exploded "SHE'S NOT FUCKING DEAD YOU KNOW IM JUST DEAD TO HER" and I burst into tears once again, instead of letting go of me Austin just held me tighter and let me get it out.

It was a few weeks after lex's awakening and she now accepted me as a part of her life , she still couldnt remember a single part of our past but it was something.

"hey matt" she said without looking up as I walked in at exactly 12:01 like every other day since she woke up

"lex I have a question" I swallowed my fear

"what's up buttercup?"

"well, when you get out of here. When they say you're fit to leave, yeah? Give me a month to make you fall in love again, if you don't in that month then I'll leave your life and you can carry on like I was never in your life"

She looked at me for a long time her eyes scanning my face; this was a risk and I knew it but I had to do something.

I needed lex

Note what's writen in red.- An Of Mice & Men BandFictionWhere stories live. Discover now