Chappy 9- It's Story time

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"wait how did you get here? when did you get here? why are you here? who's idea was this? how long are you here? who's looking after everything back home?" we were all sitting in the living room, Alan and Austin sat together, while Phil and Tino were sat on the one seaters opposite each other and pulling faces at each other, whereas Lex and i opted to sit on the floor she was lent next to me and it was nice to finally be sat with her again.

"calm down love" she laughed "i got here on the plane, i arrived like 20 minutes before i got to your front door, I'm here because i missed you and Alan rang me"

"wait Ashby why did you ring her? i cut her off turning on Alan

"well after your moment with Phil-"

"you told them?!" i turned on Phil who paused in the middle of pulling a face at Tino his eyes wide in shock

he looked scared "Er"

"Matt sweetie calm down aren't you happy I'm here?" Lex pouted

"yes i am happy so happy" i returned to my seat "so anyways who's idea was this? how long are you here? hows everything back home? and who's looking after everything?"

"my idea" Alan grinned "Phil told me you were homesick so i rang lex and told her then asked if she wanted to come out and surprise you"

"im here as long as you want me, ill leave when you leave Matt" Lex smiled "Leah and Devon are looking after the fort and i bought Nala with me and the Yard guys are looking after the house"

"wow okay this was planned out" i paused to scratch Nala's back "wait Leah and Devon cant tattoo"

"they're making appointments for a months time and doing piercing now" Lex snapped her fingers "boom sorted"

"okay i gotta hand it to you, you really have planned everything" i smiled

I laced my fingers in hers and she looked down and our hands "you got new tats!" she exclaimed

"what the hell they're tiny how'd you see them?" Phil said

"when you spend everyday looking at the same hands you notice the little things" she smiled looking at my 2 small keys "to match the one round your neck and meaning?"

"the person who owns the ring on my finger owns my heart" i smiled

"so tell us how you two met" Austin said and i looked over at Alan and Austin who were sat very close together with their hands inches from each other. I smiled at Alan who went red.

"we met at a youth detention center" i said with a completely straight face

"Matt stop telling people that!" Lex squealed "remember when you accidentally said that to my boss?"

"how was i meant to know the fat old woman in the bright yellow dress owned the library?!" i laughed

"and then she turned on me like 'why didn't i know about this Alexandria?' and i hadn't heard you say anything so i thought she meant me being a lesbian so i started blubbering about how i thought she knew and i didn't think it was important because it doesn't affect me day to day and she whispered 'what were you in for?' and i was so confused so i looked at you for guidance and you were hooting with laughter"

"it was the funniest thing ever! if i could have kept a straight face i would have lent in and just been like 'just keep her away from the knives' but i couldn't keep a straight face long enough" i began hooting at the memory

"what really happened?" Tino asked

"what to my job?" Lex asked

"no when you two got together?"

"well, i was disowned by my parents when i was 18 when i came out and i went to stay with my friends boyfriend because i had no-where else to go and Lex was his flat mate and i got talking to her and we got closer and the rest in history" i said holding Lex's hand

"that's the really short version you idiot" she playfully batted my hand away "it took month to lure her into my bed, and we didn't start dating for a long time it was literally just sleeping in the same bed"

"like Phil and Matt" Tino burst out before realising what he'd said

Lex raised an eyebrow "all will be explained later i swear" i said shaking my head

"so anyway i finally asked her out" Lex began again

"you did not! i scoffed "i asked you out"

"you did not!" Lex exclaimed "oh wait actually yeah you did" she laughed

"idiot" i kissed the top of her head "so anyway the rest is history"

"stop skipping the good bits goddammit woman" Alan said and i looked over to see Austin and Alan's hands were now together

"i swear you're More of a woman than me!" i laughed

"okay well, then we went off to a night course in tattooing and we bought a wee shop and made it into a tattoo parlour and we set up The Fort, then we moved out of the flat and bought Peace Let Live out house boat and Nala was bought on our one year anniversary" Lex continued

"and the rest is history" i grinned

"how long have you been together?" Austin asked

"4 years this April" Lex smiled and rested her head on my shoulder "so now tell me everything my wee Matt's done while i wasn't here to hold her back" Lex looked at Alan with an evil grin which he returned

"well first of all there was when Matt picked that fight with a fan" Tino laughed

"she was in ugly bitch okay?" i said

"so that's how you killed your eye, i thought maybe you'd walked into a door knob again" Lex laughed and the guys looked at me expectantly

"I told you it wasn't the first black eye i've had okay so what if last time i walked into a door knob" they all laughed at my embarrassment

"and when she smoked with us and had to wake up the next day" Phil laughed

"Matilda you smoked!" Lex sat upright and turned to look at me

"i did" i hung my head in mock shame

"corr this girl right spends most of her days telling me off for smoking and getting high, i have a smoking deck on peace let live because she wont let me smoke inside"

"just cause it helped you 4 years ago doesn't mean it has to help you now, I'm here to help now!" i wrapped my arms around her

"so anyways whats this sleeping with Phil business?"

"he got really high one night and i ended up sleeping in the same bed as him"

between Alan and Lex they had some pretty embarrassing stories to spend the night telling.

it wasn't until Lex and i got up for drinks i got to talk to her alone

"Alan and Austin!" she turned on me and  whispered as soon as we got into the kitchen and out of ear shot of the band

"what about them?" i smiled knowing she had the same idea as me

"they together"


"what? okay well whats their deal?" she asked sitting on the counter

"they like each other but wont admit it"

"we have to get them together!" she gave me a wicked grin and i nodded grinning back.

Note what's writen in red.- An Of Mice & Men BandFictionWhere stories live. Discover now