Chappy 7- Storms and homesickness

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"the storm is estimated to last at least 2 days" the radio crackled from beside my bed where I was bouncing a tennis ball on the wall but when I heard that I jumped off my bed and ran down stairs an into the kitchen where Alan, Phil and Austin were sat at the table the rain already falling down the window.

I grabbed Alan's arm "come on Ashby we're off to the beach"

He was pulled sideways off his chair "wait what?" he said struggling to regain his balance

"like we always did! Freaking storm we go off to the beach!" I was so excited

"you still do that?" Alan grinned

"HECK YES!" I yelled skipping round the table

"you're like a child really aren't you?" Austin laughed

"come on can we go now cone on Alan oh please can we go" I was bouncing on the spot

"you coming guys?" Alan turned to the others

"nah I've got to get on with writing some music" Austin said

"wait you're going on tour in like 3 weeks what?" I stopped bouncing for a second

"we never stop writing music, we could never write too much so we never write enough" Austin said smiling

"what about you Phil?" I grabbed his hand pulling him up o dance in excitement with me "come on Phil let's go we can go oh please Phil" I let go to dance back over to Alan.

He put his hands on my shoulders to hold me down "you coming Phil?"

I ducked out of Alan's hold and grabbed Both Alan and Phil and dragged them to the door "come on Austin will write better without you both making noise and breathing down his neck" and before they knew what was happening I'd opened the door and shoved them out into the rain "bye Austin!" I yelled before closing it

"MATT!" Alan yelled and I realised he was only in a t-shirt "let me go get changed!"

"I don't have a key!"

Alan looked at Phil who felt his pockets and shook his head.

"AUSTIN!" Alan began pounding on the door, Phil and I just stood and watched getting soaked through.

"me an Phil will go and sit in the car" I said slowly walking backwards

"do you have a car key?" Alan yelled

"no? Do you?" I looked at Phil who shook his head again "Alan do you have a car key?"


"Er maybe not" Phil and i ran to help bang on the door "AUSTIN!" we all yelled and finally the door opened causing us all to fall into the house in a small messy pile Austin jumped backwards as we landed then shrugged and walked off.

Alan burst into laughter which set me off and then in tern so did Phil, so we were rolling on the floor in fits of laughter.

"right I'm going to changed" Alan said wiping a tear that was running down his cheek

Phil and I continued to lay on the floor each of us occasionally chuckling, Austin walked back in and lent over us closing the door.

He looked down at us "are you high?" he asked and when we both just burst into more laughter he walked back upstairs.

"whats wrong with us?" I asked just as Alan jumped down the last 3 steps

"we will never know Mattie since you refused to let your mother take you to the loony bin"

"hey!" I jumped up and thumped him on the arm. Phil was still laying on the floor "Phil sweetie were going to go you still alive down there?"

"what yeah" he suddenly stood up grinning

"right!" Alan said bracing himself and putting his hand on the door handle "you ready to run for it... 3! 2! 1! GOOOO!" he threw open the door and ran to the car with Phil and I following closely after him.

When we got to the beach we found a nice place to sit and watch the sea not get splashed by it. Alan and phil were chatting about their upcoming tour when Alan's phone began to ring he looked at who it was "fuck" he muttered and I raised my eyebrow at him "I got to get this" he said walking off for some shelter from the rain.

I shuffled closer to Phil and tucked my knees up under my chin. We sat in silence for a few minutes, until he turned and looked at me

"hey Matt what's up?" he sounded concerned

"what do you mean I'm fine" I said with a small smile

"that's not rain running down you face their tears" he wiped one away

"I just miss home and I miss Lex when you go from spending every living moment with someone, talking to them every day, seeing them everyday, working with them, living with them to not seeing them, not talking to them, not even texting or calling them fir a month it seems like a long long time to spend away from them" I rested my head on Phil's shoulder "I miss Nala as well, she's my cat she's my baby I love her so much it's crazy" I smiled.

Phil rested his head on mine and put his arm around me squeezing my shoulder I think that was him telling me he was there for me but didn't know what to say.

We sat for a while before the rain became heavy and scary and Alan hadn't reappeared so we went looking for him only to find him sat in the car

"I wondered when you guys would come back" he said when we got in the car I stretched out on the back seat closing my eyes so Phil sat in the front.

I think they thought I was asleep because a few minutes after we set of Phil whispered "why didn't you come back?"

"I did" Alan whispered back "but you looked like you were in the middle of something is she okay?"

I heard Phil move an I presumed he turned to look at me "yeah she's fine I think she's homesick is all"

Note what's writen in red.- An Of Mice & Men BandFictionWhere stories live. Discover now