Chappy 10- Distraction reactions.

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"it's Sunday" lex walked into the kitchen where Alan and I were stood, Alan was holding nala looking like he'd died and gone to heaven. 

"it is" Alan said 

"don't be cocky ashby" I turned to lex "yeah it is but I dont know where the nearest one is" 

"nearest what?" Alan said  

"shh ashby I'm trying to think" 

"what do you want to know? I live here I might know what you want what are you talking about? Where the nearest what s?"  

"never you mind it's none of your business now is it child?" I pulled my self up to sit on the counter 

"matt tell me please mattie tell me tell me tell me, what are you looking for?" Alan stood in front of me 

"no" Austin walked in 

"Austin where's the nearest church?" lex asked innocently 

"erm just down the road I can get you a map with the route pointed out" he looked confused 

"you wanted a church?! Why couldn't you tell me?" Alan glared at me 

"it's fun to wind you up darling" I smiled at Alan and reached down and took Nala out of his arms 

"why do you want a church?" Austin yawned and reached into the fridge for a monster before chucking me one  

"I'm catholic and I like to go to church every week I'd also like a monster" lex winked at me and I chucked her mine before getting my own 

"see now that's love matt wouldn't give her monster up for anyone else" Alan laughed 

"don't you want something like this Alan?" lex asked tilting her head to the side 

"like what?" alan looked confused and lex stood so I was sat on the counter with her leaning on the counter between my legs I put my arms around her neck  

"this" I said resting my chin in her head and pulling a face 

"what matt nah I don't even want her in my house" alan laughed 

"what about you Austin?" I could see where lex was going with this and I knew it wouldn't work but who was I to ruin her fun 

"love and relationships? Nah not me I have my Ginger princess and he is all I need" austin put his arm round Alans waist and pulled him closer  

"you homos" lex laughed pulling me off the counter and starting to walk out of the room "show me this church then" she called over her shoulder and Austin followed us out. 

He pulled the church website up on the screen on his laptop  

"right theres a service at half 10 it's 10 now and it rakes 15 minutes to get round there want a lift?" Austin said never raking his eyes away from the screen  

"no no just show matt the route" lex smiled 

"matt you can drive?" Austin looked up at me 

"yes, of course I can what?" I laughed 

"I thought you couldn't so I never asked you to!" Austin looked put out 

"I know!" I cackled "it's been wonderful not having to drive for a month! Give us your keys" I put my hands out 

Austin reached up to the side and pulled down the 4x4's keys and chucked them at me "don't wreck it to much I know what you women drivers are like" 

I caught the keys and punched him "FECK off squidface" Austin laughed and walked out. 

"this is a nice car to drive me likey the car" I said winding down the windows 

"Its a lovely car matt but you're driving very fast" lex looked a little green round the gills 

"we're fine!" I demanded "so Alan and Austin?" 

"you take Austin I'll take Alan!" lex said 

"oh hell no Alans my best friend I'll deal with him I know him better than anyone" I yanked at the steering wheel to avoid a bird 

"fine you have Alan and I'll have austin" lex gave me a small smiled but I think that was more because of my reckless driving "step one is to get them to admit they like each other step two is to make one of them admit it to the other step 3 will deal with it's self" 

"how we gonna do it?"  

lex lent forward and drummed her fingers on the dashboard "well we'll have to get them separately and just keep talking about each other and how great a relationship is and then asked about the other person and hopefully they'll spill the beans" 

"yeah but think about it how longs it gonna take?" 

"matt did you not see them last night and this morning they practically sit on each other, then hold hands, austin calls Alan his Ginger princess" 

"yeah okay fair deal, how do we get them acting like a normal couple together?" 

"well when did we get together?" lex asked

I thought back "I cant rememb-"

"MOVIE NIGHT!" lex practically yelled cutting me off

"HECK YES!" I took my hand of the steering wheel for a spilt second to hi-5 lex and the car caught the side of a rock and swerved to the right I grabbed the steering wheel And jerked it to the right causing the wheels to lock and the car jolted right I now had no control an both lex and I were pulling on the wheel lex was screaming in my ear and I couldn't tell if I was screaming too, I felt the centre of gravity shift as the car tipped right over I saw the ground come up to meet me then the world went black.

Note what's writen in red.- An Of Mice & Men BandFictionWhere stories live. Discover now