Test Subject

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Amara p/v

               After killing that teenager I was walking away when someone shot me with a wooden bullet to the stomach it was that asshole Deaton.
He was strapping this machine to my head a needle goes into my nervous sytem . There's a TV screen plugged into the cord in my head it was suppose to show my memories  to them since I wouldn't talk I was strapped down looking at the screen.

Deaton: this will show us what happened to Hayden and what caused her to turn into a vampire, her sad moments happy moments this is a test she's a vampire so she'll heal quickly when I'm done.
Lydia: guys these are her private memories we shouldn't do this
      But the machine started and made me close my eyes.
       The Memories They See 

When she told Stefan to save matt when he was drowning instead of her.

When her parents car went off the bridge and she was still conscious with only her father watching him trying everything to escape with no way out then him shaking his head no. Because they were going to die there was no way out she mouths 'I love you ' before passing out

Damon kissing her for the first time in the motel(damon is in the picture)

Her and Damon holding hands as he drives into the grill making the place explode killing them and how damon couldnt get back over because a witch named liv stopped the spell that brought dead supernaturals back to life.

Her being too depressed to move like Elena and Jeremy

Finally a video of her and Hayden's confrontation comes up showing how she kilt her.

Then her eyes opened and she gasped

    She looked around where is she then the memories came back how am I getting out of here

              Elena burst though the door with ............Stefan and caroline and.….……Enzo ?

Elena: she has her humanity off she can't feel so please.......(sob) don't hurt her

I felt someone cut the ropes I stood up and slowly looked around they were all surrounding me Stefan grabbed my arm and pulled me outside and there was matt. He pushed me into the middle of everyone surrounding me in a bigger circle.

Me: Stefan what the hell
Stefan: amara I hate to do this but I know this is the only way you'll flip the switch.........using the damon way.
       I froze at Damon's name wait what would be his way. Suddenly stefan grabbed matt around the neck if he moves his hands he could snap matts neck. But I have no human feelings so I simply looked at him.

Me: your bluffing
      Then he snapped Matt's neck, matt fell to the ground
3rd person

             Amara let out a gasp her eyes filling with tears she ran over to matt

Stefan: you remember when he was a kid........huh......remember his big goofy his whole life he had ahead of him
Amara: Matt.......(chokes) Matt please
           The others felt sad for her they seen in the memories how much he meant to her and now he's dead. She cried into his chest

Amara: I'm so sorry.....(sobs)
Stefan: well I guess your lucky he was wearing this
           He showed her the gilbert ring it brings any non-supernatural person back to life she smiled knowing matt was going to be ok she grabbed his hand and said 

Amara: he he your okay your okay
             Then stefan stepped closer

Stefan : you feel that weight coming off you chest that's joy.....the joy that your best friend isn't dead that's you humanity Amara
           Amara slowly lifts her eyes up when she's looking fully up she blinks showing she just got every single feeling back it was overwhelming her so then she starts crying more

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