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Scott p/v

                 We go running after Amara in the woods behind my house. We split up and are trying to find her. I'm following her scent but she made sure to make it difficult to track her. While I was tracking her there was a new scent following her trail as well. I could smell it was a vampire but usually I can tell if its Stefan, Caroline or Elena. The scent is somewhat like Stefan's actually.
             I use my wolf hearing and listen up ahead. I can hear Amara she's ......... trying to kill Caroline. I go running and when I get there I'm surprised at what i see. Amara is holding some guys shoulder and starting to cry. I watch as she jumps up wrapping her arms and legs around him. She looks so happy when a face I recognize shows on her face. Guilt. She jumps down and walks up to me.

Amara: Scott this is Damon ......the guy I told you about.

         I see him eyeing me up in a suspicious way. He looks like he is way older than us like in his late twenties. Whenever she mentioned him being than Stefan I imagined him being 19 or 21 at most. She probably loves how mature he is. But regardless I stick my hand out for him to shake.

Scott: Hey Scott. Scott McCall
Damon: Damon Salvatore

         I see the others arriving and staring at him in disbelief. Stefan starts tearing up and walks up to him.

Damon: Its a long story but I'm here now brother......... And I don't plan on leaving anytime soon.

         They hug each other and I look towards Amara. She is already looking at me.

Amara: Damon we have to talk
Damon: those words don't usually mean anything good
Amara: its important.......

           He throws a glance my way before following her deeper into the woods. The rest of us start walking up towards my house. I notice Caroline and Stefan holding hands walking in front of me. Stiles dad and Caroline's mom shut down the party by the looks of it. There is a big mess but cleaning it up is helping keep my mind off Amara. 
            I look over to my right while I'm mopping the floor and notice Mr. Stillinski and Mrs.Forbes smiling and laughing in the corner. They seem so happy with each other. Soon Amara comes in and looks at me. No one notices her entrance ye and she nods her head to upstairs. I watch her vamp speed up the stairs.

Scott: I'll be back 

                Everyone just says okay as I go up stairs but Caroline and Stefan had knowing looks. Walking up these stairs I just I know. Its over. She probably is Going back to him. I can't blame her. He was her first real love. Love like that isn't hard to move on from. But if I'm being honest I got over Allison really fast. But that's because she was more like a friend to me than anything else. Amara took away that pain of losing Allison. Maybe not all the way but enough.
             I open my bedroom door and see her holding a photo of Stiles and me as kids. She has a big smile on her face. She sets it down and looks at me.

Amara: I talked to Damon
Scott: Yeah I know
Amara: I talked to him about you
Amara: I told him about how I love you
Scott: ....... You don't love him?
Amara: I will always love Damon.......but ever since I met you it was a different type of love. The one I have for Bonnie, Caroline, Matt, Tyler, Stiles, Stefan. Nothing romantic, just ........ Friends who are like family type of way.
Scott: How did he take it?
Amara: not well but...... One day he will understand.
Scott: Amara........you said you loved me.
Amara: (awkwardly) um yeah I did.
Scott:........ I love you too.

         I walk up and cup her cheeks as I give her a sweet passionate kiss. Life is good right now. The only problem is Jeremy. Her brain has been working so much I don't think she remembers what happened at the moment. But I know soon it will ware off. I'll be there to pull her back when she needs me to. Because I will always love THE Amara Gilbert.


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