Wake Up

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Amara p/v

  I wake up to a tickling sensation on my back I open my eyes. I turn to Scott who was making circles on my back with his fingers he seems so focused on something he doesn't notice me staring.

Amara: What are you thinking about?

    He looks at me surprised before going back to drawing circles.

Scott: I'm gonna have to talk to liam today
Amara: I can compel him to stay calm
Scott: I want that to be a last resort I feel like its cheating when compulsion makes everything easiar
Amara: ok but if you decide differently I'm happy to help.

        He smiles at me gently before kissing my lips. When he pulls away he mumbles the only words that could possibly bother me

Scott: We have to go to school and you can't skip again
Amara: fine.

I brought clothes last night and changed in them. But when I get to school I got to talk to Jeremy ever since that hunter Conner died he's been acting strange. He says its nothing but I catch him looking at his hand all the time very intently and he's been staying out late at nights. He also is stares at me funny like he's mad at me. But we're twins nothing can break our bond.........can it.  (From season 4 but I have a plan). I ride on the back of Scotts dirt bike as we pull into school. I hop off and start walking away to find Jeremy when he grabs my arm turning me back.

Scott: no goodbye kiss?
Amara:(giggles) ok

          When we kiss I feel practically everyone's eyes on us. I giggle shaking my head as I walk into school I find Jeremy in a classroom all alone with an angry expression.

Amara: Um hey Jer bear are you ok?
Jeremy: don't call me that
Amara: but that's our thing?.........I call you jerbear and you call me Marty or Mara?
Jeremy: (shrugs) things change
Amara: Jer ....... Jeremy why have you been acting Stavanger since we got here
Jeremy: Maybe its the fact that you are a monster.....Elena is a monster,  all your new friends are monsters too but not like you. You killed people they haven't.
Amara: I had my humanity off..........I would never intentionally do that.
Jeremy: really does Conner ring a bell?.........You left him to starve in that cave under the mystic grill
Amara: Jer I was trying to save you and the other people I love.
Jeremy: but that the thing amara ........your a monster you can't love.......you killed one of the five supernatural hunters.........If you had a chance would you kill another?
Amara: if this hunter tried to hurt or kill my friends then yes wouldn't you?
Jeremy: No because they get rid of parasites like you.

            He stands up in an odd position of his hand behind his back. He walks up to me slowly. 

Jeremy: you were suppose to die.......twice..…....maybe that's a sign

          Suddenly he pulled out a stake and tried to stab my heart. I push him away to roughly since he falls on the ground. I immediately run to his side.

Amara: Jeremy are you ok answer me.

           Suddenly he tries to stab me again only hitting my stomach suddenly I feel someone pull him away as I hol my bleeding stomach.

Elena: oh my god are you ok amara
Amara: I'm fine
Stiles: what the hell man that's your sister.
Scott: what did she do to you
Jeremy: she's not my sister mine died that night on the bridge she's just a monster who kills the innocent. Im one of the five Amara. Are you going to kill me too?

         I walk out of the classroom into the empty hallway looking at my healing wound. He's one of the five which means he has a strong desire to kill me great just great. Throw this on the pile of problems known as my life. I stand there when I feel Elena hug me.

Elena: We'll save him no matter what it takes.
Amara: I know but what he said is true I am a monster.
Elena: no your not you Amara  Elizabeth Gilbert a nice sweet girl.
Amara: Thanks but.......how are we going to help him
Elena: your not going to like this but there are two people we know who could help
Elena: it's the only way we can help Jeremy, Amara
Amara: But I hate them 
Elena: I do too but its the only way
Amara: I'll call them for jer

            I called two people who could possibly be the worst idea ever Stefan the jerk who hurt my sister.........and the devil himself.


Klaus Mickelson.

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