Ripped Apart

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Amara  p/v

                Yesterday was like a blurr Jeremy had died but his ring is on which means he's going to be ok. Katherine had come to the island too she pretended to be Elena . The real Elena was at home apparently Stiles dad said she was found waking up in Stiles room laying on the floor . She must have been going to talk to Stiles before we left and Katherine snapped her neck and took her place . Katherine stole the cure which we found out could only be used by one person . Oh and what am I forgetting "oh yeah" the oldest immortal being Silas is loose and no one knows what his face looks like .

                So here I am riding the boat back with  Caroline, Liam, Scott, Stiles, Lydia, Chris Argent . Klaus and Stefan are staying behind to find Silas and make sure he doesn't leave the island . We're taking Jeremy's body home for when he wakes up and im going to wait by his side . When he wakes up the first thing I'm going to do is hug him and tell him how much I love him . He wasn't being himself when he was being controlled by his hunter side . I hold his head in my lap and look down at his pale face . I can feel people giving me worried glances and staring at each other . WHAT !?!  Seriously he's fine he just needs a while before he wakes up . The gilbert ring doesn't work on supernatural beings and I know he was one of the five but he completed his mission before he died . Which means that there is hope and that is all I need because I know I cant lose my brother so I'll hold on to the hope I have left .

                When we finally reach the land Scott carries his body to my car and puts him in the backseat . We all drive to my house Elena and Alaric look shocked when we bring Jeremy's lifeless body up inside.

Amara : Bring him upstairs we can just lay him in his bed and wait for him to wake up.

                Everyone looks around with this weird look on their faces before Scott carries his body up . He sets Jeremy's body on Jeremy's bed and I bring a small blanket and place it over his body.

Scott : Do you need anything
Amara : Um no I'm just gonna wait until he wakes up
Scott ; call if you need anything
Amara ; I will thanks

Caroline p/v

Caroline ; Oh my god what are we going to do
Stiles ; Why is she so sure he is coming back
Caroline ; The gilbert ring can bring a human back to life not supernaturals though
Liam ; Sooo he's going to be ok

                I turn on the sink so she cant hear us talking

Caroline ; Its a slim chance because he was one of the five ........ the five are supernatural
Scott ; If he's dead what will happen to her
Caroline ; She's going to lose it
Amara ; I know you think he's a lost cause but ....... did you see the tattoo is gone so maybe when Silas was freed he completed his task. Then maybe he wasn't supernatural when he died . Right?

                Everyone is surprised my Amara suddenly standing in the entrance of the kitchen staring at them .

Caroline ; Amara-
Amara ; No there's a chance and Its the only hope I have and need right now
Caroline ; Um your right um......maybe you should go up there and wait for him in case he wakes up and doesn't understand whats happening to him....ok?
Amara ; Your right I will 

                We watch as she vamp speeds upstairs to Jeremy's room. With the sink still on we continue our previous conversation .

Caroline ; All we need to do right now is treat her like a mental patient .... with care and sweetness
Stiles ; Great Idea! but what do we do when he doesn't wake up
Scott ; Wait do you smell that what is that
Caroline ; His body is starting to decompose

                Alaric walks into the kitchen with groceries and sets them on the counter looking at us .

Alaric : Did I miss something ?

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