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3rd person

Elena walks over and kneels in front of Amara who is sitting next to matt crying

Elena: Your going to be okay
Amara: No (looks away)
Elena: look at me
Amara: No. No. No. Its not ok. (Stands up )
Elena: Amara (stands up too)

Amara grabs her own hair and is looking around just going "no,no,no,"

Stefan: Hey (walks over to her)
Amara:(while pacing in place) what did I do I let you just kill him, Matt. And then Bonnie and Damon.

Stefan grabs her shoulder to try and calm her down but she pushes him away saying "no,no,no."

Amara: I mean, the girl, Hayden.......I actually killed that girl.
Stefan trying to calm her down takes a step towards her "Hey,Hey," but she isn't listening to him
Amara: No, I killed that girl
Stefan : hey amara

But now she's to mad at herself and busts through the people surrounding her and go to Matt's truck and hits the tire with her foot then punches through the passenger window. Then Caroline grabs her arms putting them behind her back so amara can't move as stefan walks up to her.

Stefan: Hey,hey look at me, I know this stage, ok?(he's turned his humanity off a lot)
Stefan: The emotions are overwhelming you.You just have to focus on one thing ok?
Amara:(sobbing) no,I can't,I can't.
Stefan: you just find that one thing inside of you that makes you strong. Its in there.Just latch on to it.Channel everything you're feeling into that one emotion. Find the thing inside of you that makes you want to live. Amara, let it in.let it in.

Amaras eyes are filled with tears as she looks stefan in eyes so Caroline slowly let's go of her arms. Amaras face shows sadness as stefan soothes her

Stefan: That's Good. That's it.Just breathe it in. Blow everything else out.That's good

Amara looks like she feels pain and screams "aaahhhh" while holding her head she let's out small shaky breaths then looks around at everyone's faces then looks down at the ground

Elena: you okay?

Amara shakes her head no and replies

Amara: No......(looks at elena).........I'm not ok......(then looks at the ground slowly walking away and says with a sad voice).....but I'll get better.
Then she gets into Elena's car and looks out the window away from everyone with tears in her eyes once again for that night. The feeling she latched onto......was love. Her love for damon, her family,friends.

Stiles p/v

Me: what the hell just happened( I looked at stefan)
Stefan: when a vampire turns off their humanity all the pain,grief, goes away but when you let it back in ......its painful because vampires are double sensitive about things like(him listing it off)

A crush turns into love

Annoyance turns into anger

But sadness it........physically hurts us in our hearts making it feel like being stabbed in the heart with a wooden stake.

Lydia: will she ever get past this
Stefan: it will take some time but.........she will someday (he says looking at scott)
Then stefan starts walking away but elena yells "STEFAN!"

Elena p/v

He stopped looking for a way to save Damon and Bonnie I know this because Caroline and Enzo(Damon's best friend) went to where he was living. He had a human girlfriend Ivy .Stefan made Caroline cry since they were close friends so to get revenge Enzo killed Ivy. Stefan had given up and here I was the whole time telling Amara he was looking for a way to save damon and bonnie but no. He was starting a new life, trying to move on while here the whole Gilbert family stayed surrounded with sadness and grief. And now he's trying to walk away.......why did he come here all this way. To help amara why if he's trying to move on from all this drama. But I guess he came back to kill enzo or help amara I don't know which.

Stefan: (stops but then after a moment keeps walking so elena vamp speeds in front of him)
Me: stop,okay? I am sorry about Ivy.But-
Stefan: But what?(inrupting her)
Stefan: What? I was fooling myself? I was using her as an escape? Yeah I know what you think, Elena.
Me: well, actually, I was going to say,"But killing enzo won't bring her back."
Stefan: no, but it'll stop him from reminding me of my brother. I kill him, I can leave this place and I can start over again.
Me:(scoffs) so that's why you left all those messages on my phone promising apologies? That's why you came to save amara from her humanity.....just to kill enzo and start over?
Stefan: yup
Me: I don't believe you. I know that a part of you misses this. And these people, your friends. I know that being here.......... Reminds you how much we need you, how much i need you. But if I'm wrong, then go ahead. Just go, start over. But, God, if I'm right, if just a little part of you came back....... To check on Amara who's had an unbearable four months..... Or Alaraic who just came back from the dead........ Or me............if even just a small, little part of you came back to check on me...............then stay.

He looked down like he was thinking then he just looked me in the eye with no emotion before walking around me and walking away. I stared down at the ground crying he left, he left me all this time just to start over not because he was looking for a way to save bonnie and damon. I look up and see amara out of the car everyone else look like they feel bad for me but amara just has a small sad smile on her face. I stop crying and look at her and laugh very lightly before I felt my face look all sad and start sobbing. She slowly walks up to me and hugs me even though she's sad she always has to make sure I'm happy, and safe before herself.

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