Flight of the Vulture

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Adrian checked his data pad as he and a group of other scientist were watching the latest demonstration of their newest project. He was hoping that the tests were more fruitful then last time if they want to keep their jobs.

Adrian Toomes was an old man in his early sixties with a bald head and a pointed nose that almost looked like a beak. He was part of the R&D department of WaynePowers. He came a long way since just owning a private company built from nothing more than his wit.

And now, all his hard work will finally be realized.

He looked up from his data pad to see a man putting on a green harness. "How goes everything today, Mr. Bestman?"

"I feel fine, sir." Bestman answered.

"Good, hopefully tests today will prove better results." Adrian said as he turned to one of the scientist. "Begin Magnetic Wing Suspension."

The scientist nodded and pressed a few buttons on the control console. Then out of the ground came two blade like wings that had metal razor-sharp feathers on it appeared beside Bestman. Two spots on the back of the harness started to glow red and the wings were pulled towards those spots and attached themselves to the harness.

"Suspension complete." The scientist said.

"Excellent. Why don't we start with a simple hover." Adrian said as he addressed Bestman.

Bestman nodded and the turbines on his harness turned on. He then began to rise up in the air until he was fifteen feet off the ground and just hovered there for a moment. Adrian smiled as he felt like that everything he's worked hard for has finally come into fruition.

"Now we just need to set up some targets." Adrian said as he pressed a few buttons on the data pad.

Wooden mannequins came up from the ground and Bestman stared at them intensely. He swiped his one of his arms and then the bladed feathers were launched from the wing. The blades pieced and sliced their targets as if they were made out of tissue paper. As soon as they were done shredding their targets, the feather blades came flying back and reattached themselves to the wings.

"Excellent!" Adrian said happily. "When Powers sees the work we've put into this, he'll have no choice but to double our funding!"

The other scientist in the room smiled when they heard that. The happy moment was ruined when the doors of the laboratory opened and Powers' private security force opened the door and started confiscating all of their work, much to the scientists' confusion and Adrian's anger. One of the men who came in was Derek Powers' right hand man and top employee Mr. Fixx.

"What is going on here?!" Adrian demanded angrily.

"We thank you for your time here Mr. Toomes, but your experiments and all of your work have been declared obsolete and therefore no longer fit to be part of this company." Mr. Fixx said calmly.

"On who's authority?!" Adrian exclaimed in anger.


Max smiled as a crew of delivery men came in using their forklifts to carry the parts he needed to build the machine he designed. It may have taken awhile, but he now had everything he needed to cement his place here.

Max turned around and spotted another forklift moving very slowly as it carried a large glass tank filled with electric eels. "Now just keep them steady. These specimens are vital to this operations."

The guy driving the forklift gave him a dismissive wave. "Kid, I've been driving this thing for years, I think I know how to work it."

The driver never noticed a small bump on the ground until it was too late. That bumped caused the forklift to jerk, and in doing so almost drop the glass tank of eels on Max. Max screamed in fright as he saw that the tank was coming right towards him.

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