Rhino Rampage

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Alex O'Hirn, loyal member of the Dogs of War, continued to pass the time in his jail cell by doing over a hundred push ups. He grunted as he did one after the other, with sweat pouring down his face, but he did not care. His mind was solely focused on one thing, or rather, one person.

'I'm going to rip your head off, Spider-Man.' O'Hirn thought to himself as he glared with anger. 'You just wait till I get out of here.'

Spider-Man had been on O'Hirn's mind constantly, ever since he embarrassingly took him out and put him in prison. He used to be feared in the Dogs of War, his boss had respect for him, and now look at him. Spending his days in prison, where his boss hasn't even attempted to break him out. Well, he'll find a way out sooner or later, and soon that wall crawling bug is going to pay.

A guard soon came up to his cell and opened the door. "Prison transfer, O'Hirn."

O'Hirn got up from his workout and looked confused at this. "What are you talking about? I didn't hear anything about some transfer."

"Order came in just this morning, which means you're someone else's problem now." The guard said as two more guards came in, cuffed him, and escorted O'Hirn out of his cell. "Still, I'm going too miss your sunny disposition."

"Take these cuffs off and I'll show you how sunny my disposition can be." O'Hirn said as he glared at the guard.

"You see, that right there, that's what we're all going to miss." The guard said as they escorted O'Hirn to a transport, where he was the only occupant. "Well, O'Hirn, I can't say it's been a pleasure."

O'Hirn was loaded onto the transport and it took off. O'Hirn was a still confused about the transfer, but he didn't care, he'll find a way to get out, whether it'd be by his boss, or by his own hands. After all, he still had unfinished business to attend to.

O'Hirn waited for about half an hour in the transport before he felt it stop moving. O'Hirn waited for the doors to open and form him to be taken to his new cell, but it never opened. Confused by this, O'Hirn decided to open the doors himself and sure enough, they were unlocked, and when he stepped out there was nothing but darkness.

"Hey, what's going on here?!" O'Hirn called out, wanting to get some answers. All of a sudden, a bright light shined on him, causing him to cover his eyes with his hands.

"What's going on, Mr. O'Hirn, is your chance at redemption."

O'Hirn uncovered his eyes and saw that stepping out of the light was Mr. Powers himself. O'Hirn recognized him as a valuable business partner for his boss.

"Powers? What are you doing here?" O'Hirn asked.

"Now is that anyway to greet the man who got you an out of jail free card?" Powers asked with a smirk.

"Wait, you got me out of prison?" O'Hirn asked in surprise, before it changed to a slight eagerness. "Does that mean the boss wants to give me another chance?"

"Your boss would like for you to prove your worth again, and to do that you just need to do two things for me."

"Just name 'em. I'll do anything." O'Hirn said in determination. He'll do anything if he could prove his worth as a member of the Dogs of War again.

"The first; you just have to test out a new weapon system that we have developed." Powers informed.

"That's it? Sounds simple enough." O'Hirn said dismissively. "What's the second thing?"

This time, Powers smirked as he spoke again. "The second; using said weapon system to ensure the complete and utter annihilation of Spider-Man."

O'Hirn's look then gained a fierce smile as it felt like his dream of revenge was within his grasp. "You should have just led with that, Powers. Consider it done!"

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