Black Out

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Things were immensely tense over at one of the many labs of Foxteca, and no one could blame them. Over the several weeks, many of the labs experienced power failures, explosions happening inside the buildings, and not to mention damaged beyond repair equipment. That's why they decided to double their amount of security in this facility, just to be safe.

A truck came cruising by to the front gate before stopping at the laser-grid gate. The driver looked closed at the retinal scanner and waited for the all clear. The scanner matched his identification and the gate opened enough for to him to drive on through.

"This is Miller. Sector-1 clear." One of the security guards said from up on the catwalks of the building.

"How are those new men we sent you?" His superior said from his comm link.

"Feels like we're stepping on each other. No one's causing trouble tonight. Miller out." Miller said as he walked off.

What Miller never noticed was that his shadow did not move with him. The shadow then morphed into some kind of blob-like substance with a single large white spot used as an eye and slithered along the wall. It avoided all of the security guards by slithering close to the ground and using the shadows as camouflage.

It slithered up the inner wall and made its way to the locked door leading inside the building. It squeezed beneath the door and made it inside. The blob-like mass then made its way to a control terminal and actually went inside it through keyboard.

What followed, happened instantaneously...

Sparks erupted from within the building, followed by explosions that erupted throughout the building. Fire was everywhere, and the security guards tried to regain control as much as they can.

The lead security guard saw all this chaos happening. "Lock this place down! No one gets in or out!" He ordered.mhe doesn't know how this could've happened, but he was going to make sure everyone got out on one piece.

A firetruck cruiser came flying in and started hosing down the building, trying to put out the fire before it spreads. One of the firefighters inside noticed that some of the embers were falling way too close to an oil truck close to the building.

"Get that tanker off site before it blows!" The firefighter ordered using the speakers.

One of the workers heard her and did exactly as she said. He got in the drivers seat and drove his way to the outskirts of the buidling, so as to avoid another explosion that could have caused even more damage. When the guy drove the truck out past the gate he parked the truck, now believing that the truck was in the clear.

What he did not notice was that the same blob-like substance slithered right put of the truck, using it so it could avoid detection. Seeing that the job has been finished, it slithered off, disappearing into the shadows.


Nick yawned as he sat at a desk at the Gotham Gazette. It was a free desk that they allowed him to use whenever he could come in. He was currently looking through all the notes he's compiled about the incidents happening all over Foxteca.

'Its like all the equipment just combust out of nowhere.' Nick thought to himself as he tried to wrap his brain around it. 'If it was just a systems malfunction that'd be one thing, but all the equipment was in working order when all the scientists left for the night. That could mean that it was sabotaged, but how? Security has gone on record that no one was able to get inside the building and no one tripped the alarms.'

'It's almost like we're dealing with a ghost.' Nick thought with a troubled look on his face.

"Everything okay, Nick?" Ned Leeds said as he came up to freelancer.

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