Enter Electro

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Commissioner Gordon growled in frustration as she was in her police cruiser with another officer, as they were in a high-speed chase with a van. The Dogs of War were currently driving that van and they just robbed a bank and made out of thousands of dollars in cash cards.

"This is Commissioner Gordon requesting immediate backup!" Gordon called out on her police radio. "Suspects are the Dogs of War gang, and are armed and dangerous!"

There were a total of four Dogs of War members in the van, two up front and two in the back. The ones in the back of the van were counting all of the cash cards they took in celebration. This was by far the easiest job they accomplished and their was no doubt the boss would be thrilled.

"So what are you going to do with your cut of the loot?" One of the gang members asked his fellow gang member.

"Maybe help myself to nice lobster dinner." The guy answered.

"I'm thinking maybe I'll buy a nice gift for my girl."

"Didn't she break up with you."

"Why do you think I'm being her a nice gift."

The driver of the van pulled back the viewing window behind him to address his fellow gang members. "Would you clowns shut up and focus! We've got cops on our tails!"

The two gang members nodded and opened up the back while the van was still going. They hanged onto the side as to not fall put and pulled put there guns. They then began to start shooting at the cops.

"Shots fired! Shots fired! We need that backup now!" Gordon called out.

The cop sitting next to her all of a sudden looked up and his eyes widened. "I think backup just arrived."

Barbara looked at him funny, before following his line of sight and saw what he meant.

The robbers continued firing at the cops, thinking that they were going to get away, but their hopes were dashed when Spider-Man came swinging down and kicked them back inside the van with him following.

Spider-Man gave a brief glance at the gang members, before speaking. "Man, you Dogs of War just don't know when to quit, do you? This is like the third time this month I've had to deal with you."

The two gang members got up and raised their fists up for a fight. One tried to throw a punch, but the hero simply caught it and tossed him to the side of the van. The other one came in swinging, but Spider-Man side stepped out of the way and did a flip kick, knocking him down.

The gang member tried getting back up, but Spider-Man shot out a glob of web at him and his partner and pinned them both down. "Why don't you just sit back and relax while I talk to the driver." Spider-Man said before jumping out of the back and continued swinging.

He landed on top of the van and crawled his way to the front. He leapt forward and soon stuck to the front windshield, surprising the two gang members up front.

"Hey, would you mind pulling over, your break lights are out." Spider-Man joked before looking at the driver. "Hey...don't I know you?"

The driver growled in anger before swerving from left to right to try and get the wall-crawler off the van. Spider-Man jumped off and fired several strands of webs in front of the van to create a makeshift web net and ensnared the van. The driver tried to drive forward, but the web was too strong.

"Forget the job! I'm getting out of here!" The gang member in the shotgun seat said fearfully as he exited the van.

The moment he stepped out, a web line attached to his back and he was yanked up in the air. He was then yanked down by Spider-Man, who was now standing on top of the van, and had him crash right on top of the van, then pinned him down with some web.

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